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xtconvertcase(3) [hpux man page]

XtConvertCase() 														   XtConvertCase()

  XtConvertCase - determine uppercase and lowercase versions of a keysym.

  void XtConvertCase(display, keysym, lower_return, upper_return)
	 Display *display;
	 KeySym keysym;
	 KeySym *lower_return;
	 KeySym *upper_return;

  display     Specifies the display that the keysym came from.

  keysym      Specifies the keysym to convert.

	      Returns the lowercase equivalent of the keysym.

	      Returns the uppercase equivalent of the keysym.

  XtConvertCase() calls the case converter procedure most recently registered for a range of keysyms that includes keysym to obtain uppercase
  and lowercase versions of the supplied keysym.

  You will probably never need to call this function unless you are writing a customized keycode-to-keysym translator.	The Translation  Man-
  ager uses case converters as part of its keycode-to-keysym translation process.

  You can register a case converter for a range of keysyms with XtRegisterCaseConverter().

See Also
  XtRegisterCaseConverter(1), XtSetKeyTranslator(1), XtTranslateKey(1), XtTranslateKeycode(1),
  XtCaseProc(2), XtKeyProc(2).

Xt - Keyboard Handling														   XtConvertCase()

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XtCaseProc()															      XtCaseProc()

  XtCaseProc - interface definition for procedure to convert the case of keysyms.

  typedef void (*XtCaseProc) (Display*, KeySym, KeySym *, KeySym *);
	 Display *display
	 KeySym  keysym;
	 KeySym  *lower_return;
	 KeySym  *upper_return;

  display     Provides the display connection for which the conversion is required.

  keysym      Specifies the keysym to convert.

	      Returns the lowercase equivalent for keysym.

	      Returns the uppercase equivalent for keysym.

  An  XtCaseProc  is a case converter procedure registered with XtRegisterCaseConverter(), and invoked by XtConvertCase() and by the Transla-
  tion Manager in order to obtain the uppercase and lowercase versions of a keysym.  It should store the upper and  lower  case  versions  of
  keysym  at the addresses specified by lower_return and upper_return.	If there is no case distinction, it should store keysym at both loca-

  You should only need to write a case converter procedure if you are working with non-standard keysyms.

  The default case converter from the R4 Intrinsics is as follows:

     /* ARGSUSED */
     void _XtConvertCase(dpy, sym, lower, upper)
	 Display *dpy;
	 KeySym sym;
	 KeySym *lower;
	 KeySym *upper;
	 *lower = sym;
	 *upper = sym;
	 switch(sym >> 8) {
	     case 0:
		 if ((sym >= XK_A) && (sym <= XK_Z))
		     *lower += (XK_a - XK_A);
		 else if ((sym >= XK_a) && (sym <= XK_z))
		     *upper -= (XK_a - XK_A);
		 else if ((sym >= XK_Agrave) && (sym <= XK_Odiaeresis))
		     *lower += (XK_agrave - XK_Agrave);
		 else if ((sym >= XK_agrave) && (sym <= XK_odiaeresis))
		     *upper -= (XK_agrave - XK_Agrave);
		 else if ((sym >= XK_Ooblique) && (sym <= XK_Thorn))
		     *lower += (XK_oslash - XK_Ooblique);
		 else if ((sym >= XK_oslash) && (sym <= XK_thorn))
		     *upper -= (XK_oslash - XK_Ooblique);
		 /* XXX do all other sets */

See Also
  XtConvertCase(1), XtGetKeysymTable(1), XtKeysymToKeycodeList(1), XtRegisterCaseConverter(1), XtSetKeyTranslator(1), XtTranslateKeycode(1).

Xt - Keyboard Handling														      XtCaseProc()
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