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xchangewindowattributes(3) [hpux man page]

XChangeWindowAttributes()												 XChangeWindowAttributes()

  XChangeWindowAttributes - set window attributes.

  XChangeWindowAttributes(display, w, valuemask, attributes)
	Display *display;
	Window w;
	 unsigned long valuemask;
	XSetWindowAttributes *attributes;

  display   Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay().

  w	    Specifies the window ID.

  valuemask Specifies  which  window  attributes  are defined in the attributes argument.  The mask is made by combining the appropriate mask
	    symbols listed in the Structures section using bitwise OR ( ).  If valuemask is zero, the rest is ignored, and attributes is  not
	    referenced.  The values and restrictions are the same as for XCreateWindow().

	    Window attributes to be changed.  The valuemask indicates which members in this structure are referenced.

  XChangeWindowAttributes()  changes any or all of the window attributes that can be changed.  For descriptions of the window attributes, see
  Volume One, Chapter 4, Window Attributes.

  Changing the background does not cause the window contents to be changed until the next Expose event or XClearWindow() call.	 Setting  the
  border  causes  the  border  to  be repainted immediately.  Changing the background of a root window to None or ParentRelative restores the
  default background pixmap.  Changing the border of a root window to CopyFromParent restores the default border pixmap.   Drawing  into  the
  pixmap  that	was  set  as the background pixmap or border pixmap attribute has an undefined effect, because the server may or may not make
  copies of these pixmaps.

  Changing the win_gravity does not affect the current position of the window.	Changing the backing_store of an  obscured  window  to	When-
  Mapped  or Always may have no immediate effect.  Also changing the backing_planes, backing_pixel, or save_under of a mapped window may have
  no immediate effect.

  Multiple clients can select input on the same window; the event_mask attributes passed are disjoint.	When an event is generated it will be
  reported to all interested clients. Therefore, the setting of the event_mask attribute by one client will not affect the event_mask of oth-
  ers on the same window.  However, at most, one client at a time can select each of SubstructureRedirectMask, ResizeRedirectMask,  and  But-
  tonPressMask on any one window.  If a client attempts to select on SubtructureRedirectMask, ResizeRedirectMask, or ButtonPressMask and some
  other client has already selected it on the same window, the X server generates a BadAccess error.

  There is only one do_not_propagate_mask for a window, not one per client.

  Changing the colormap attribute of a window generates a ColormapNotify event.  Changing the colormap attribute of a visible window may have
  no immediate effect on the screen (because the colormap may not be installed until the window manager calls XInstallColormap()).

  Changing the cursor of a root window to None restores the default cursor.

  For more information, see Volume One, Chapter 2, X Concepts, and Chapter 4, Window Attributes.

      * Data structure for setting window attributes.
     typedef struct {
	 Pixmap background_pixmap;	 /* pixmap, None, or ParentRelative */
	 unsigned long background_pixel; /* background pixel */
	 Pixmap border_pixmap;		 /* pixmap, None, or CopyFromParent */
	 unsigned long border_pixel;	 /* border pixel value */
	 int bit_gravity;		 /* one of bit gravity values */
	 int win_gravity;		 /* one of the window gravity values */
	 int backing_store;		 /* NotUseful, WhenMapped, Always */
	 unsigned long backing_planes;	 /* planes to be preseved if possible */
	 unsigned long backing_pixel;	 /* value to use in restoring planes */
	 Bool save_under;		 /* should bits under be saved (popups) */
	 long event_mask;		 /* set of events that should be saved */
	 long do_not_propagate_mask;	 /* set of events that should not
						 propagate */
	 Bool override_redirect;	 /* override redirected config request */
	 Colormap colormap;		 /* colormap to be associated with window */
	 Cursor cursor; 		 /* cursor to be displayed (or None) */
     } XSetWindowAttributes;

     /* Definitions for valuemask argument of CreateWindow and
	    ChangeWindowAttributes */

     #define CWBackPixmap	 (1L<<0)
     #define CWBackPixel	 (1L<<1)
     #define CWBorderPixmap	 (1L<<2)
     #define CWBorderPixel	 (1L<<3)
     #define CWBitGravity	 (1L<<4)
     #define CWWinGravity	 (1L<<5)
     #define CWBackingStore	 (1L<<6)
     #define CWBackingPlanes	 (1L<<7)
     #define CWBackingPixel	 (1L<<8)
     #define CWOverrideRedirect  (1L<<9)
     #define CWSaveUnder	 (1L<<10)
     #define CWEventMask	 (1L<<11)
     #define CWDontPropagate	 (1L<<12)
     #define CWColormap 	 (1L<<13)
     #define CWCursor		 (1L<<14)


  BadColor  Specified colormap is invalid.






See Also
  XGetGeometry(), XGetWindowAttributes(), XSetWindowBackground(), XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(), XSetWindowBorder(), XSetWindowBorderPixmap().

Xlib - Window Attributes												 XChangeWindowAttributes()
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