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tt_message_arg_mode(3) [hpux man page]

tt_message_arg_mode(library call)										 tt_message_arg_mode(library call)

tt_message_arg_mode -- return the mode of a message argument SYNOPSIS
#include <Tt/tt_c.h> Tt_mode tt_message_arg_mode( Tt_message m, int n); DESCRIPTION
The tt_message_arg_mode function returns the mode of the nth message argument. The m argument is the opaque handle for the message involved in this operation. The n argument is the number of the argument to be returned. The first argument is numbered zero. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, the tt_message_arg_mode function returns a value that specifies who (sender, handler, observers) writes and reads a message argument. The following modes are defined: TT_IN The argument is written by the sender and read by the handler and any observers. TT_OUT The argument is written by the handler and read by the sender and any reply observers. TT_INOUT The argument is written by the sender and the handler and read by all. The application can use tt_int_error(3) to extract one of the following Tt_status values from the Tt_mode integer return value: TT_OK The operation completed successfully. TT_ERR_NOMP The ttsession(1) process is not running and the ToolTalk service cannot restart it. TT_ERR_NUM The integer value passed was invalid (out of range). TT_ERR_POINTER The pointer passed does not point to an object of the correct type for this operation. SEE ALSO
Tt/tt_c.h - Tttt_c(5), tt_int_error(3). tt_message_arg_mode(library call)

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tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode(library call)									      tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode(library call)

tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode -- return the mode of an argument of a request signature of an otype SYNOPSIS
#include <Tt/tt_c.h> Tt_mode tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode( const char *otype, int sig, int arg); DESCRIPTION
The tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode function returns the mode of the argth argument of the sigth request signature of the given otype. The otype argument is the object type involved in this operation. The sig argument is the zero-based index into the request signatures of the specified otype. The arg argument is the zero-based index into the arguments of the specified signature. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, the tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode function returns a value that determines who (sender or handler) writes and reads a message argument. The following modes are defined: TT_IN The argument is written by the sender and read by the handler and any observers. TT_OUT The argument is written by the handler and read by the sender and any reply observers. TT_INOUT The argument is written by the sender and the handler and read by all. The application can use tt_int_error(3) to extract one of the following Tt_status values from the Tt_mode integer return value: TT_OK The operation completed successfully. TT_ERR_NOMP The ttsession(1) process is not running and the ToolTalk service cannot restart it. TT_ERR_NUM The integer value passed was invalid (out of range). TT_ERR_OTYPE The specified object type is not the name of an installed object type. SEE ALSO
Tt/tt_c.h - Tttt_c(5), tt_otype_hsig_arg_type(3), tt_otype_hsig_count(3), tt_otype_hsig_args_count(3), tt_otype_hsig_op(3), tt_int_error(3). tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode(library call)
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