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display_accelerator(3) [hpux man page]

display_accelerator()													     display_accelerator()

  display_accelerator - Core method to display current accelerators.

  typedef void (*XtStringProc)(Widget, String);
	 Widget w;
	 String string;

  w	    Specifies the source widget that supplied the accelerators.

  string    Provides the string representation of the accelerators that were installed.

  The  Core  display_accelerator() method is registered on the display_accelerator field of the Core class part structure, and is called when
  the application installs a widget's accelerators with XtInstallAccelerators() or XtInstallAllAccelerators().

  The argument w is the widget instance that has had its accelerators installed, and string is a string representation of the widget's accel-
  erator  table.   Some  widget classes will want to display themselves differently when accelerators are installed so that the user is aware
  that they are available.  (Menu buttons that display their keyboard equivalents are a good example.)

  The method is passed a string version of the current accelerator table, in canonical form.  This form may differ from the  original  source
  of the accelerator table itself.

  The  display_accelerator()  method  is not chained.  A widget class can inherit its superclass's display_accelerator() method by specifying
  XtInheritDisplayAccelerator in its Core display_accelerator field.  A widget that does not wish to display any accelerators  may  set  this
  field to NULL.

  The  translation table syntax is not particularly easy for a user to read or particularly easy for a widget to convert into a simpler form,
  so a widget class may prefer to define a resource which is the string that should be displayed when the accelerator is installed.  That way
  the application programmer can specify both the accelerator and the representation of the accelerator that the user will see.

  None of the Intrinsics or Xaw widget classes define a display_accelerator() method.

See Also

Xt - Intrinsics Methods 												     display_accelerator()

Check Out this Related Man Page

XtParseAcceleratorTable(3)					   XT FUNCTIONS 					XtParseAcceleratorTable(3)

XtParseAcceleratorTable, XtInstallAccelerators, XtInstallAllAccelerators - managing accelerator tables SYNTAX
XtAccelerators XtParseAcceleratorTable(String source); void XtInstallAccelerators(Widget destination, Widget source); void XtInstallAllAccelerators(Widget destination, Widget source); ARGUMENTS
source Specifies the accelerator table to compile. destination Specifies the widget on which the accelerators are to be installed. source Specifies the widget or the root widget of the widget tree from which the accelerators are to come. DESCRIPTION
The XtParseAcceleratorTable function compiles the accelerator table into the opaque internal representation. The XtInstallAccelerators function installs the accelerators from source onto destination by augmenting the destination translations with the source accelerators. If the source display_accelerator method is non-NULL, XtInstallAccelerators calls it with the source widget and a string representation of the accelerator table, which indicates that its accelerators have been installed and that it should display them appropriately. The string representation of the accelerator table is its canonical translation table representation. The XtInstallAllAccelerators function recursively descends the widget tree rooted at source and installs the accelerators of each widget encountered onto destination. A common use os to call XtInstallAllAccelerators and pass the application main window as the source. SEE ALSO
XtParseTranslationTable(1) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtParseAcceleratorTable(3)
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