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vparremove(1m) [hpux man page]

vparremove(1M)															    vparremove(1M)

vparremove - remove a virtual partition SYNOPSIS
vp_name db_file] DESCRIPTION
The command deletes a virtual partition previously created using the command. All resources associated with the virtual partition are made available for allocation to other partitions. Unintentional use of this command has serious consequences; therefore the user is prompted to confirm the operation unless the (force) option is specified. Options recognizes the following command line options and arguments: Specifies the unique name of the virtual partition which is to be removed. Required. Removes a virtual partition from the partition database contained in db_file. If this option is omitted, the virtual partition is removed from the monitor's database. In this case, the partition must be in the state to be removed. Thus it is an error to try to remove the current virtual partition, the one in which the command is executing. Specifies the force option. Omits the confirmation dialog before removing the virtual partition. This option is intended for use by scripts and other non-interactive applications. SECURITY RESTRICTIONS
This command is restricted to processes owned by superuser. When virtual partition flexible administrative capability is enabled, a virtual partition can only be removed from within a Designated- Admin vPar. RETURN VALUE
The command exits with one of the following values: Successful completion. One or more error conditions occurred. EXAMPLES
Destroy the virtual partition in the partition database currently running in the monitor: Destroy the virtual partition in the partition database currently running in the monitor using the force option: Delete partition in partition database file ERRORS
displays error messages on standard error for any of the following conditions: o db_file does not exist, cannot be accessed, is not a virtual partition database file, or is corrupt. o vp_name does not exist in the monitor's database or in db_file. o vp_name in the monitor's database is in some state other than o The command and the virtual partition monitor are at different revision levels. o When the virtual partition flexible administrative capability is enabled and the local virtual partition is not a Designated- Admin vPar. AUTHOR
was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company. SEE ALSO
vparadmin(1M), vparboot(1M), vparconfig(1M), vparcreate(1M), vpardump(1M), vparefiutil(1M), vparenv(1M), vparextract(1M), vparmodify(1M), vparreloc(1M), vparreset(1M), vparstatus(1M), vparutil(1M), vparresources(5), vpartition(5), vpmon(5). vparremove(1M)

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vparcreate(1M)															    vparcreate(1M)

vparcreate - create a virtual partition SYNOPSIS
vp_name boot_attr] static_attr] kernel_path] boot_opts] rsrc]... db_file] DESCRIPTION
The command creates a new virtual partition (vPar) using the specified hardware resources. vp_name is a symbolic name for the virtual par- tition and must be used in all references to it. If the option is specified, the vPar is created in db_file. Otherwise it is created in the vPar monitor database. In either case, a vPar named vp_name must not already exist in the database. Any error terminates the command without creating a virtual partition except if the command was terminated because the vPars database lock was unavailable. In this case, any changes made till the point of the error (working left-to-right on the command line) will remain. Run before retrying. In certain scenarios, the command may not be able to validate if the chosen memory granularities are appropriate for the system. The com- mand will display a warning message. In such cases, the user should validate the granularities against the total memory on the system and the supported number of memory granules on the system. Refer to vparresources(5) manpage for more details. Older versions of the and commands allowed specification of IO resources using the legacy hardware path only (see intro(7)). Starting with the A.05.03 version of the Virtual Partitions product, agile (lunpath) hardware paths are also supported. This functionality means that you can now create a virtual partition with legacy mode disabled (see insf(1M) and rmsf(1M)), but only if all virtual partitions have been updated to A.05.03 or later. Note that the mixing of legacy and agile hardware paths within one vPar is not recommended. This command cannot detect when a legacy hard- ware path and an agile hardware path identify the same device. Options No option except (add resource) and (memory granularity) may be specified more than once. The option may be specified at most once for each memtype. Resources allocated with the option must be available, that is, not already allocated to a virtual partition, nor exceeding the overall limits of the resources. Some CPU resources have special requirements; these are described following Table 1. All CPUs to be added to the new vPar must be fully licensed. Resources assigned with multiple options must not conflict. Violation of any condition is a command error. The command recognizes the following command line options and arguments: Specifies the symbolic name of the vPar. The name can consist of alpha-numeric characters the underbar character and the period The maximum length of the name is 239 characters. Required. Specifies the autoboot and autosearch attribute of the vPar. boot_attr can have the following case-insensitive values: Sets the autoboot attribute. If the autoboot attribute is set to the vPar is rebooted following a successful command or when the monitor is first loaded, if appropriate monitor options have been specified. Clears the autoboot and autosearch attributes. If the attribute is set to the vPar halts after a and does not boot when the monitor is loaded. It must then be booted manually with the command. Sets the autosearch attribute. If the autosearch attribute is set to then the combination of autoboot and autosearch decides the boot action to be taken. The interpretation of autoboot and autosearch has changed for systems that support hardware par- titions. Refer to setboot(1M) for details. Clears the autosearch attribute. On hard partitioned systems with vPars the boot action corresponds to the autoboot and autosearch flags in the following manner: AutoBoot AutoSearch Boot Action ------------------------------------------------------- off off Halt the vPar for manual boot. on off Attempt the primary path; on failure halt the vPar. on on Attempt the primary path; on failure try the alternate path. off on Skip the primary path and try the alternate path. If the alternate path is not config- ured to boot or the boot fails then halt the vPar. ------------------------------------------------------- If the Instant CAPacity (iCAP) product has detected that the total of CPUs assigned to all vPars exceeds the amount indi- cated by iCAP's Intended Active number, it prevents any vPar from rebooting, regardless of the setting of this attribute. The command is also disabled. Refer to the available at and to the icod(5) manpage for more information. If the option is omitted, the attributes default to and Create the vPar in the database contained in db_file. If db_file does not exist, it is created by this command. This option should be used when creating a new vPar database. The monitor need not be running. Although db_file can reside in any path when accessed as an alternate database, it must be placed in the directory before it can be loaded by the monitor as its live database. On Itanium(R)-based platforms, there must also be a soft link between db_file and an identically named file in the direc- tory. The link is not required on PA-RISC platforms. The command creates this link for you when you create db_file with the absolute path prefix of If you create db_file with a different path or in a different directory and later move it to or if you create db_file on one system but copy it to another for use, you must manually create the link. If the option is omitted and the monitor is running, the vPar is created in the monitor's live database. If the monitor is not running, the vPar is created in the default database file which is itself created if it does not exist. Specifies the granularity of Cell Local Memory (CLM) or InterLeaved Memory (ILM) requests for the database. All CLM or ILM memory specifications must be an integral multiple of the corre- sponding granularity. This option is only valid when creating the first vPar in a database. Cell Local Memory, as its name implies, refers to memory address ranges on a specific cell. InterLeaved Memory refers to memory address ranges whose adjacent addresses are on different cells. The size of each memtype may be specified indepen- dently. Once specified, each value applies to all vPars in a given database. memtype is one of the two case-insensitive strings: Cell Local Memory InterLeaved Memory size is the granularity of memtype in megabytes. size must be at least 64 megabytes. Higher values must be an integral power of 2 megabytes (128MB, 256MB, 512MB, etc.). The optional update_fw is a case-insensitive The default is It is applicable only to Itanium-based platforms. It is ignored on PA-RISC platforms, but must be syntactically correct if specified. If it is specified on an Itanium-based platform with the value the specified size is also written to system firmware storage. This setting does not take effect until the underlying hard partition is rebooted. update_fw should only be specified with a value of if you intend to use the newly created database in the current hard partition. If the option is omitted when creating a new database, vPars chooses the default granularity, 128 megabytes, for both CLM and ILM, and does not update firmware on an Itanium-based platform. Specifies the static vPar attribute. static_attr can have the following (case-insensitive) values: sets the static attribute. resets the static attribute. vPars with the attribute do not support any dynamic resource migration, nor can resource attributes be added/deleted/modi- fied with This attribute becomes effective after any initial resource allocation, so it is possible to assign resources when creating a new virtual partition and still specify that the resulting vPar be static. If the option is omitted, the attribute defaults to Specifies the absolute path to a bootable kernel for the vPar. For example, if a non-partitioned system start string at the ISL prompt is: the kernel_path is the portion of this string. If this option is omitted, the virtual partition is created with a default kernel path of Specifies the command-line string, except for the kernel path, applied when the vPar is booted. For example, if a non-partitioned system start string at the ISL prompt is: the boot_opts string is the portion of this string. Note that if the string includes a space, the string must be quoted. Refer to "Monitor and Shell Commands" in for a full list of supported boot option strings. The default is the empty string. Adds resources to a virtual partition. rsrc is a hardware resource specification, as described in detail in the vparresources(5) manpage. You should refer to the section "CPUs and Instant CAPacity (iCAP)" in that manpage when adding CPU resources. The iCAP product will not allow CPU activation in excess of that shown by iCAP's Intended Active number. The underlying nPartition is said to be fails if you attempt to create a vPar in the loaded monitor database such that the total proces- sors assigned to all vPars would exceed Intended Active. When creating a new vPar in an alternate database, iCAP displays a warning if the total number of processors in the data- base exceeds the current Intended Active number of the nPartition. The operation is allowed, but the database will be non-compliant if loaded by the monitor in this nPartition. If that happens, iCAP will not allow any vPars to boot. Refer to the available at and to the icod(5) manpage for more information. A summary of resource syntax forms is shown in Table 1 below. Multiple specifications in the same command are allowed, but some syntax forms are only allowed once. This in indicated in Table 1. In all cases, resources in multiple specifi- cations must not repeat or conflict with each other. Table 1. Resource syntax summary +---------+------------------------------+------------------+ |Resource | Forms | # times/command | +---------+------------------------------+------------------+ |CPU | cpu:path | Multiple | | | cpu::num | Once | | | cpu:::[min][:[max]] | Once | | | cell:cell_id:cpu::num (CLP) | Once per cell_id | +---------+------------------------------+------------------+ |I/O | io:path[:attr1[,attr2]] | Multiple | +---------+------------------------------+------------------+ |Memory | mem::size (ILM) | Once | | | mem:::base:range | Multiple | | | cell:cell_id:mem::size (CLM) | Once per cell_id | +---------+------------------------------+------------------+ Cell Local Memory (CLM), as its name implies, refers to memory address ranges on a specific cell. InterLeaved Memory (ILM) refers to mem- ory address ranges whose adjacent addresses are on different cells. size must be in units of granularity for the specified memory type. The command shows memory granularities. Refer to the vparstatus(1M) manpage. On PA-RISC platforms, a vPar whose memory consists entirely of CLM will not boot. The vPar needs ILM in the first 2 GB of memory to load and launch its kernel. Refer to the section "Memory" and the subsection "Recommendations for ILM and CLM granularity specifications" in the vparresources(5) man page for details. Certain tasks can affect the outcome of others. To avoid errors, see the detailed description of the dependencies in the vparresources(5) manpage. SECURITY RESTRICTIONS
This command is restricted to processes owned by superuser. When virtual partition flexible administrative capability is enabled, a virtual partition can only be created from within a Designated- Admin vPar. RETURN VALUE
The command exits with one of the following values: Successful completion. One or more error conditions occurred. EXAMPLES
Create the virtual partition called in the monitor database, specifying 1 GB of ILM, 2 CPUs and a boot disk: Create the virtual partition in the monitor database, setting the autoboot attribute and specifying five processors, 2 GB of ILM, and a boot disk: Since the option was not specified, the default kernel path will be used at boot time. Create the same vPar, this time in the specified database file does not exist and will be created. Specify a CLM granularity of 128 megabytes, not written to firmware. Create a virtual partition in the monitor database, setting the autoboot and autosearch attribute and specifying five processors, two of which are CLP, 1 GB of ILM, 2 GB of CLM, and a boot disk: ERRORS
displays error messages on standard error for any of the following conditions: o An invalid option is specified. o An invalid value is specified for an option or a value is omitted. o vp_name already exists in the monitor database or specified db_file. Use the command instead. o One or more options other than has been specified more than once or the same resource was allocated more than once. o An unavailable resource (allocated to another vPar or exceeding the available resource limit) was specified. o A value was omitted for an argument that requires one, or a value was supplied for an argument which does not take one. o The command and the monitor are at different revision levels. o When the virtual partition flexible administrative capability is enabled and the local virtual partition is not a Designated-Admin vPar. o The command was unable to acquire the database lock. Run and retry. AUTHOR
was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company. SEE ALSO
insf(1M), rmsf(1M), vparadmin(1M), vparboot(1M), vparconfig(1M), vpardump(1M), vparefiutil(1M), vparenv(1M), vparextract(1M), vparmod- ify(1M), vparreloc(1M), vparremove(1M), vparreset(1M), vparstatus(1M), vparutil(1M), icod(5), vparresources(5), vpartition(5), vpmon(5), intro(7). vparcreate(1M)
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