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xtvacreateargslist(1) [hpux man page]

XtVaCreateArgsList()													      XtVaCreateArgsList()

  XtVaCreateArgsList - create a varargs list for use with the XtVaNestedList symbol.

  XtVarArgsList XtVaCreateArgsList(unused, ..., NULL)
	   XtPointer unused;

  unused    This argument is not currently used and must be specified as NULL.

  ..., NULL A NULL-terminated variable-length list of resource name/value pairs.

  An XtVarArgsList which can be used in future calls to other XtVa functions.

  Release 4 and later.

  XtVaCreateArgsList()	allocates,  copies  its arguments into, and returns a pointer to a structure that can be used in future calls to XtVa
  functions using the special symbol XtVaNestedList.  When this symbol appears in place of a resource  name  in  a  variable-length  argument
  list, the next value is interpreted not as a resource value itself, but as a nested argument list of resource name/resource value pairs.

  When	an  XtVarArgsList is created, any entries in the list of type XtVaTypedArg are copied as specified without applying conversions; they
  will be converted when the list is actually used.  Pointer types (including strings) passed to XtVaCreateArgsList()  are  not  copied;  the
  caller must ensure that the data remains valid for the lifetime of the created XtVarArgsList.

  When no longer needed, the returned list should be freed using XtFree().

  See XtVaSetValues() for full details on the use of variable length argument lists.

  Nested  lists  can  be useful with the XtVa functions in the same circumstances that statically initialized ArgLists are useful to the non-
  XtVa functions:  when there are a set of resources that will be applied to more than one widget.  The example below presents one such case.

  You might want to use nested argument lists to define a set of related resources that will be applied to multiple widgets:

     XFontStruct *normal_font, *bold_font;
     XtVarArgsList caution_resources;
     Widget box, commit, abort;

     caution_resources = XtVaCreateArgsList(NULL,
			     XtNFont, bold_font,
			     XtVaTypedArg, XtNforeground, XtRString, "red", 4,
			     XtNborderWidth, 4,

     commit = XtVaCreateWidget("commit", buttonWidgetClass, box,
			       XtNlabel, "Commit All Changes",
			       XtVaNestedList, caution_resources,

     abort = XtVaCreateWidget("abort", buttonWidgetClass, box,
			      XtNlabel, "Abort Transaction",
			      XtVaNestedList, caution_resources,

     /* free the list since I'm not going to use it again */

  The XtVarArgsList type is defined as follows:

     typedef XtPointer XtVarArgsList;

See Also

Xt - Resource Management												      XtVaCreateArgsList()

Check Out this Related Man Page

XtVaCreateArgsList()													      XtVaCreateArgsList()

  XtVaCreateArgsList - create a varargs list for use with the XtVaNestedList symbol.

  XtVarArgsList XtVaCreateArgsList(unused, ..., NULL)
	   XtPointer unused;

  unused    This argument is not currently used and must be specified as NULL.

  ..., NULL A NULL-terminated variable-length list of resource name/value pairs.

  An XtVarArgsList which can be used in future calls to other XtVa functions.

  Release 4 and later.

  XtVaCreateArgsList()	allocates,  copies  its arguments into, and returns a pointer to a structure that can be used in future calls to XtVa
  functions using the special symbol XtVaNestedList.  When this symbol appears in place of a resource  name  in  a  variable-length  argument
  list, the next value is interpreted not as a resource value itself, but as a nested argument list of resource name/resource value pairs.

  When	an  XtVarArgsList is created, any entries in the list of type XtVaTypedArg are copied as specified without applying conversions; they
  will be converted when the list is actually used.  Pointer types (including strings) passed to XtVaCreateArgsList()  are  not  copied;  the
  caller must ensure that the data remains valid for the lifetime of the created XtVarArgsList.

  When no longer needed, the returned list should be freed using XtFree().

  See XtVaSetValues() for full details on the use of variable length argument lists.

  Nested  lists  can  be useful with the XtVa functions in the same circumstances that statically initialized ArgLists are useful to the non-
  XtVa functions:  when there are a set of resources that will be applied to more than one widget.  The example below presents one such case.

  You might want to use nested argument lists to define a set of related resources that will be applied to multiple widgets:

     XFontStruct *normal_font, *bold_font;
     XtVarArgsList caution_resources;
     Widget box, commit, abort;

     caution_resources = XtVaCreateArgsList(NULL,
			     XtNFont, bold_font,
			     XtVaTypedArg, XtNforeground, XtRString, "red", 4,
			     XtNborderWidth, 4,

     commit = XtVaCreateWidget("commit", buttonWidgetClass, box,
			       XtNlabel, "Commit All Changes",
			       XtVaNestedList, caution_resources,

     abort = XtVaCreateWidget("abort", buttonWidgetClass, box,
			      XtNlabel, "Abort Transaction",
			      XtVaNestedList, caution_resources,

     /* free the list since I'm not going to use it again */

  The XtVarArgsList type is defined as follows:

     typedef XtPointer XtVarArgsList;

See Also

Xt - Resource Management												      XtVaCreateArgsList()
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