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msgb(9s) [freebsd man page]

msgb(9S)						    Data Structures for Drivers 						  msgb(9S)

msgb, mblk - STREAMS message block structure SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stream.h> INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI) DESCRIPTION
A STREAMS message is made up of one or more message blocks, referenced by a pointer to a msgb structure. The b_next and b_prev pointers are used to link messages together on a QUEUE. The b_cont pointer links message blocks together when a message consists of more than one block. Each msgb structure also includes a pointer to a datab(9S) structure, the data block (which contains pointers to the actual data of the message), and the type of the message. STRUCTURE MEMBERS
struct msgb *b_next; /* next message on queue */ struct msgb *b_prev; /* previous message on queue */ struct msgb *b_cont; /* next message block */ unsigned char *b_rptr; /* 1st unread data byte of buffer */ unsigned char *b_wptr; /* 1st unwritten data byte of buffer */ struct datab *b_datap; /* pointer to data block */ unsigned char b_band; /* message priority */ unsigned short b_flag; /* used by stream head */ Valid flags are as follows: MSGMARK Last byte of message is marked. MSGDELIM Message is delimited. The msgb structure is defined as type mblk_t. SEE ALSO
datab(9S) Writing Device Drivers STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.10 11 Apr 1991 msgb(9S)

Check Out this Related Man Page

msgb(9S)						    Data Structures for Drivers 						  msgb(9S)

msgb, mblk - STREAMS message block structure SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stream.h> INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI) DESCRIPTION
A STREAMS message is made up of one or more message blocks, referenced by a pointer to a msgb structure. The b_next and b_prev pointers are used to link messages together on a QUEUE. The b_cont pointer links message blocks together when a message consists of more than one block. Each msgb structure also includes a pointer to a datab(9S) structure, the data block (which contains pointers to the actual data of the message), and the type of the message. STRUCTURE MEMBERS
struct msgb *b_next; /* next message on queue */ struct msgb *b_prev; /* previous message on queue */ struct msgb *b_cont; /* next message block */ unsigned char *b_rptr; /* 1st unread data byte of buffer */ unsigned char *b_wptr; /* 1st unwritten data byte of buffer */ struct datab *b_datap; /* pointer to data block */ unsigned char b_band; /* message priority */ unsigned short b_flag; /* used by stream head */ Valid flags are as follows: MSGMARK Last byte of message is marked. MSGDELIM Message is delimited. The msgb structure is defined as type mblk_t. SEE ALSO
datab(9S) Writing Device Drivers STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.10 11 Apr 1991 msgb(9S)
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