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db_show_command(9) [freebsd man page]

DB_COMMAND(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					     DB_COMMAND(9)

#include <ddb/ddb.h> DB_COMMAND(command_name, command_function); DB_SHOW_COMMAND(command_name, command_function); DB_SHOW_ALL_COMMAND(command_name, command_function); DESCRIPTION
The DB_COMMAND() macro adds command_name to the list of top-level commands. Invoking command_name from ddb will call command_function. The DB_SHOW_COMMAND() and DB_SHOW_ALL_COMMAND() are roughly equivalent to DB_COMMAND() but in these cases, command_name is a sub-command of the ddb show command and show all command, respectively. The general command syntax: command[/modifier] address[,count], translates into the following parameters for command_function: addr The address passed to the command as an argument. have_addr A boolean value that is true if the addr field is valid. count The number of quad words starting at offset addr that the command must process. modif A pointer to the string of modifiers. That is, a series of symbols used to pass some options to the command. For example, the examine command will display words in decimal form if it is passed the modifier "d". EXAMPLE
In your module, the command is declared as: DB_COMMAND(mycmd, my_cmd_func) { if (have_addr) db_printf("Calling my command with address %p ", addr); } Then, when in ddb: db> mycmd 0x1000 Calling my command with address 0x1000 db> SEE ALSO
ddb(4) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Guillaume Ballet <>. BSD
August 27, 2008 BSD

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DB_COMMAND(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					     DB_COMMAND(9)

#include <ddb/ddb.h> DB_COMMAND(command_name, command_function); DB_SHOW_COMMAND(command_name, command_function); DB_SHOW_ALL_COMMAND(command_name, command_function); DESCRIPTION
The DB_COMMAND() macro adds command_name to the list of top-level commands. Invoking command_name from ddb will call command_function. The DB_SHOW_COMMAND() and DB_SHOW_ALL_COMMAND() are roughly equivalent to DB_COMMAND() but in these cases, command_name is a sub-command of the ddb show command and show all command, respectively. The general command syntax: command[/modifier] address[,count], translates into the following parameters for command_function: addr The address passed to the command as an argument. have_addr A boolean value that is true if the addr field is valid. count The number of quad words starting at offset addr that the command must process. modif A pointer to the string of modifiers. That is, a series of symbols used to pass some options to the command. For example, the examine command will display words in decimal form if it is passed the modifier "d". EXAMPLE
In your module, the command is declared as: DB_COMMAND(mycmd, my_cmd_func) { if (have_addr) db_printf("Calling my command with address %p ", addr); } Then, when in ddb: db> mycmd 0x1000 Calling my command with address 0x1000 db> SEE ALSO
ddb(4) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Guillaume Ballet <>. BSD
August 27, 2008 BSD
Man Page

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