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watchdog(8) [freebsd man page]

WATCHDOG(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       WATCHDOG(8)

watchdog -- watchdog control program SYNOPSIS
watchdog [-d] [-t timeout] DESCRIPTION
The watchdog utility can be used to control the kernel's watchdog facility. The -d option enables debugging. The -t timeout option specifies the desired timeout period in seconds, a value of zero will disable the watchdog. The default timeout is 128 seconds. SEE ALSO
watchdog(4), watchdogd(8), watchdog(9) HISTORY
The watchdog utility appeared in FreeBSD 5.1. AUTHORS
The watchdog utility and manual page were written by Sean Kelly <> and Poul-Henning Kamp <>. Some contributions made by Jeff Roberson <>. BSD
October 18, 2014 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

WATCHDOG(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					       WATCHDOG(9)

watchdog -- software and hardware watchdog facility SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/watchdog.h> void watchdog_fn(void *private, u_int cmd, int *error); EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(watchdog_list, watchdog_fn, private, 0); EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(watchdog_list, eventhandler_tag); DESCRIPTION
To implement a watchdog in software or hardware, only a single function needs to be written and registered on the global watchdog_list. The function must examine the cmd argument and act on it as follows: If cmd is zero, the watchdog must be disabled and the error argument left untouched. If the watchdog cannot be disabled, the error argument must be set to EOPNOTSUPP. Else the watchdog should be reset and configured to a timeout of (1 << (cmd & WD_INTERVAL)) nanoseconds or larger and the error argument be set to zero to signal arming of a watchdog. If the watchdog cannot be configured to the proposed timeout, it must be disabled and the error argument left as is (to avoid hiding the arm- ing of another watchdog). There is no specification of what the watchdog should do when it times out, but a hardware reset or similar ``drastic but certain'' behaviour is recommended. SEE ALSO
watchdog(4) AUTHORS
The watchdog facility and this manual page was written Poul-Henning Kamp <>. BSD
February 28, 2004 BSD
Man Page

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