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preload(8) [freebsd man page]

PRELOAD(8)						  System Administration Utilities						PRELOAD(8)

preload - Adaptive readahead daemon SYNOPSIS
preload is an adaptive readahead daemon that prefetches files mapped by applications from the disk to reduce application startup time. -h, --help Display command line parameters and their default values, and exit. -v, --version Display version information and exit. -c, --conffile Set configuration file. Empty string means no conf file. (default is /etc/preload.conf) -s, --statefile Set state file to load/save. Empty string means no state. (default is /var/lib/preload/preload.state) -l, --logfile Set log file. Empty string means to log to stderr. (default is /var/log/preload.log) -f, --foreground Run in foreground, do not daemonize. -n, --nice Nice level. (default is 15) -V, --verbose Set the verbosity level. Levels 0 to 10 are recognized. (default is 4) -d, --debug Debug mode: --logfile '' --foreground --verbose 9 SIGNALS
On receipt of a SIGHUP, the daemon will close and reopen its log file, and reread the configuratoin file. On receipt of a SIGUSR1, the daemon dumps the currently loaded configuration into the log file. On receipt of a SIGUSR2, the daemon saves its state into the state file. AUTHOR
Written by Behdad Esfahbod <> REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007,2008 Behdad Esfahbod. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. preload 0.6.4 May 2012 PRELOAD(8)

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CGRULESENGD(8)							 libcgroup Manual						    CGRULESENGD(8)

cgrulesengd - control group rules daemon SYNOPSIS
cgrulesengd [options] DESCRIPTION
cgrulesengd is a daemon, which distributes processes to control groups. When any process changes its effective UID or GID, cgrulesengd inspects the list of rules loaded from the cgrules.conf file and moves the process to the appropriate control group. The list of rules is read during the daemon startup is are cached in the daemon's memory. The daemon reloads the list of rules when it receives SIGUSR2 signal. The daemon opens a standard unix socket to receive 'sticky' requests from cgexec. OPTIONS
-h|--help Display help. -f <path>|--logfile=<path> Write log messages to the given log file. When '-' is used as <path>, log messages are written to the standard output. If '-f' and '-s' are used together, the logs are sent to both destinations. -s[facility]|--syslog=[facility] Write log messages to syslog. The default facility is DAEMON. If '-f' and '-s' are used together, the logs are sent to both destina- tions. -n|--nodaemon Don't fork the daemon, stay in the foreground. -v|--verbose Display more log messages. This option can be used twice to enable more verbose log messages. -q|--quiet Display less log messages. This option can be used twice to enable even less log messages and to only log errors. -Q|--nolog Disable logging. -d|--debug Equivalent to '-nvvf -', i.e. don't fork the daemon, display all log messages and write them to the standard output. -u <user>|--socket-user=<user> -g <group>|--socket-group=<group> Set the owner of cgrulesengd socket. Assumes that cgexec runs with proper suid permissions so it can write to the socket when cgexec --sticky is used. FILES
/etc/cgrules.conf the default libcgroup configuration file SEE ALSO
cgrules.conf (5) Linux 2009-02-18 CGRULESENGD(8)
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