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pc-sysinstall(8) [freebsd man page]

PC-SYSINSTALL(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					  PC-SYSINSTALL(8)

pc-sysinstall -- System installer backend SYNOPSIS
pc-sysinstall [-c file] [command] DESCRIPTION
The pc-sysinstall utility is a hybrid backend for installing FreeBSD. When run in install mode it takes a configuration file and performs an installation according to the parameters specified in the configuration file. When called with one of the system query commands it provides information about the system to aid a front end in building an appropriate configuration file. The following options are available: -c file Perform an installation as directed by file. COMMANDS
The command can be any one of the following: help Display a list of all commands. help command Display the help data for the specified command. disk-list Provide a listing of the storage devices detected on this system. disk-part disk Queries the specified storage device and returns information about its partitions. disk-info disk Returns information about a storage device's size, cylinders, heads, and sectors. detect-laptop Tests to see if this system is a laptop or desktop. detect-emulation Tests to see if this system is running in an emulator detect-nics Returns a listing of the detected network cards on this system. list-components Returns a listing of the available components which can be installed. list-rsync-backups user host port Returns a listing of available rsync-backups on the target server in the life-preserver/ directory. list-tzones Returns a listing of available timezones. query-langs Returns a list of languages that the installer supports. sys-mem Returns the size of installed system RAM in MegaBytes. test-netup test if an internet connection is available. update-part-list Returns a list of PC-BSD and FreeBSD installs on this system for updates. xkeyboard-layouts Returns a list of keyboard layouts that xorg supports. xkeyboard-models Returns a list of keyboard models that xorg supports. xkeyboard-variants Returns a list of keyboard variants that xorg supports. create-part disk size Create a new MBR primary slice on the target disk using size MB. delete-part partition Delete the disk partition specified. If this is the last partition, the disk partition layout will also be scrubbed, leaving a clean disk ready for MBR or GPT file system layouts. start-autoinstall file Start an automated installation with the specified file. Normally only used by automated install scripts. setup-ssh-keys user host port Setup SSH without a password for the target host, user, and port. Used to prompt the user to log into a server before doing a rsync + ssh restore. HISTORY
This version of pc-sysinstall first appeared in FreeBSD 9.0. AUTHORS
Kris Moore <> BUGS
This utility was written to install PC-BSD and has seen limited use as an installer for FreeBSD. It's likely that usage to install FreeBSD will expose edge cases that PC-BSD doesn't, as well as generate feature requests based on unforeseen needs. BSD
June 24, 2010 BSD

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GPTZFSBOOT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     GPTZFSBOOT(8)

gptzfsboot -- GPT bootcode for ZFS on BIOS-based computers DESCRIPTION
gptzfsboot is used on BIOS-based computers to boot from a filesystem in a ZFS pool. gptzfsboot is installed in a freebsd-boot partition of a GPT-partitioned disk with gpart(8). IMPLEMENTATION NOTES
The GPT standard allows a variable number of partitions, but gptzfsboot only boots from tables with 128 partitions or less. BOOTING
gptzfsboot tries to find all ZFS pools that are composed of BIOS-visible hard disks or partitions on them. gptzfsboot looks for ZFS device labels on all visible disks and in discovered supported partitions for all supported partition scheme types. The search starts with the disk from which gptzfsboot itself was loaded. Other disks are probed in BIOS defined order. After a disk is probed and gptzfsboot determines that the whole disk is not a ZFS pool member, the individual partitions are probed in their partition table order. Currently GPT and MBR partition schemes are supported. With the GPT scheme, only partitions of type freebsd-zfs are probed. The first pool seen during probing is used as a default boot pool. The filesystem specified by the bootfs property of the pool is used as a default boot filesystem. If the bootfs property is not set, then the root filesystem of the pool is used as the default. zfsloader(8) is loaded from the boot filesystem. If /boot.config or /boot/config is present in the boot filesystem, boot options are read from it in the same way as boot(8). The ZFS GUIDs of the first successfully probed device and the first detected pool are made available to zfsloader(8) in the vfs.zfs.boot.primary_vdev and vfs.zfs.boot.primary_pool variables. USAGE
Normally gptzfsboot will boot in fully automatic mode. However, like boot(8), it is possible to interrupt the automatic boot process and interact with gptzfsboot through a prompt. gptzfsboot accepts all the options that boot(8) supports. The filesystem specification and the path to zfsloader(8) are different from boot(8). The format is [zfs:pool/filesystem:][/path/to/loader] Both the filesystem and the path can be specified. If only a path is specified, then the default filesystem is used. If only a pool and filesystem are specified, then /boot/zfsloader is used as a path. Additionally, the status command can be used to query information about discovered pools. The output format is similar to that of zpool status (see zpool(8)). The configured or automatically determined ZFS boot filesystem is stored in the zfsloader(8) loaddev variable, and also set as the initial value of the currdev variable. FILES
/boot/gptzfsboot boot code binary /boot.config parameters for the boot block (optional) /boot/config alternative parameters for the boot block (optional) EXAMPLES
gptzfsboot is typically installed in combination with a ``protective MBR'' (see gpart(8)). To install gptzfsboot on the ada0 drive: gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada0 gptzfsboot can also be installed without the PMBR: gpart bootcode -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada0 SEE ALSO
boot.config(5), boot(8), gpart(8), loader(8), zfsloader(8), zpool(8) HISTORY
gptzfsboot appeared in FreeBSD 7.3. AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Andriy Gapon <>. BUGS
gptzfsboot looks for ZFS meta-data only in MBR partitions (known on FreeBSD as slices). It does not look into BSD disklabel(8) partitions that are traditionally called partitions. If a disklabel partition happens to be placed so that ZFS meta-data can be found at the fixed off- sets relative to a slice, then gptzfsboot will recognize the partition as a part of a ZFS pool, but this is not guaranteed to happen. BSD
September 15, 2014 BSD
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