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ofwdump(8) [freebsd man page]

OFWDUMP(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						OFWDUMP(8)

ofwdump -- examine the Open Firmware device tree SYNOPSIS
ofwdump -a [-p | -P property] [-R | -S] ofwdump [-p | -P property] [-r] [-R | -S] [--] nodes DESCRIPTION
The ofwdump utility is used to examine the Open Firmware device tree. In the first synopsis form, the complete device tree is printed; in the second form, only the selected nodes will be examined. The following options are available: -a Print the complete device tree. -p Print all available properties. -P property Only print properties of the given name. -R Print properties in ``raw'' format, i.e., omit all headings and indentation and just write the property values unaltered to the standard output. This is intended to be used with the -P option to extract the value of a single property. -S Print properties as strings; this is analogous to the -R option, except that each property is only output to the first NUL char- acter, and that newline is appended to each. -r Recursively print all children of the specified nodes. EXAMPLES
Print the complete device tree: ofwdump -a Print the complete device subtree of the ``/pci'' node, including all available properties: ofwdump -pr /pci Print the ``compatible'' property of the ``/pci'' node as plain string: ofwdump -P compatible -S /pci SEE ALSO
eeprom(8) HISTORY
The ofwdump utility first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The ofwdump utility was written by Thomas Moestl <>. BSD
October 18, 2002 BSD

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DRVCTL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 DRVCTL(8)

drvctl -- tool to rescan busses and detach devices on user request SYNOPSIS
drvctl -r [-a attribute] busdevice [locator ...] drvctl -d device drvctl [-nt] -l [device] drvctl [-n] -p device [property ...] drvctl -Q device drvctl -R device drvctl -S device DESCRIPTION
The drvctl program works with the drvctl(4) pseudo-driver, and allows to rescan busses and to detach drivers from devices. The following options are available: -a Give the interface attribute where children are to be attached to (and which defines the interpretation of the locator information). This will only be needed in rare cases where the bus has multiple attributes. If there are multiple attributes, and one is not spec- ified, drvctl will return an Invalid argument. In such cases, the -p option can be used to determine the available interface attributes. -d Detach the device driver from the device given by the device argument. -l List the children of the device specified by the device argument. If device is not specified, list roots of the device tree instead. Output comes in two columns. The first column is device, or ``root'' if device is not specified. The second column is the child. -n Suppress first column in -l output. Suppress non-XML headers in -p output. -p Get properties for the device specified by the device argument. If property is specified, the value of that property is printed, otherwise the properties are displayed as an XML property list. -Q Resume the ancestors of device, device itself, and all of its descendants. -R Resume both the ancestors of device and device itself. -r Rescan the bus given by the busdevice argument. The scan range can be restricted by an optional locator list. -S Suspend both the descendants of device and device itself. -t Print a tree of devices in -l output. FILES
/dev/drvctl SEE ALSO
proplib(3), autoconf(9) BUGS
Currently, there is no good way to get information about locator lengths and default values (which is present at kernel configuration time) out of a running kernel. Thus the locator handling is less intelligent than it could be. BSD
January 16, 2012 BSD
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