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lastlogin(8) [freebsd man page]

LASTLOGIN(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      LASTLOGIN(8)

lastlogin -- indicate last login time of users SYNOPSIS
lastlogin [-f file] [-rt] [user ...] DESCRIPTION
The lastlogin utility will list the last login session of each specified user, or for all users by default. Each line of output contains the user name, the tty from which the session was conducted, any hostname, and the start time for the session. If more than one user is given, the session information for each user is printed in the order given on the command line. Otherwise, informa- tion for all users is printed. By default, the entries are sorted by user name. The lastlogin utility differs from last(1) in that it only prints information regarding the very last login session. The last login database is never turned over or deleted in standard usage. The following options are available: -f file Open last login database file instead of the system-wide database. -r Print the entries in reverse sorted order. -t Sort the elements by last login time, instead of user name. FILES
/var/log/utx.lastlogin last login database SEE ALSO
last(1), getutxent(3), ac(8) AUTHORS
John M. Vinopal wrote this program in January 1996 and contributed it to the NetBSD project. BSD
June 6, 2011 BSD

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last(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   last(1)

last, lastb - indicate last logins of users and ttys SYNOPSIS
file] [name ...] [tty ...] file] [name ...] [tty ...] DESCRIPTION
The command searches backwards through the file (which contains a record of all logins and logouts) for information about a user, a tty, or any group of users and ttys. Arguments specify names of users or ttys of interest. The names of ttys can be given fully or abbreviated. For example, is the same as If multiple arguments are given, the information that applies to any of the arguments is printed. For example, lists all of sessions as well as all sessions on the console terminal. The command prints the sessions of the specified users and ttys, most recent first, indicating when the session began, the duration of the session, and the tty on which the session took place. indicates if the session is still in progress or if it was cut short by a reboot. The pseudo-user logs each time the system reboots. Thus, is a useful command for evaluating the relative time between system reboots. If is interrupted, it indicates how far the search has progressed in If interrupted by a quit signal (generated by a Ctrl-), indicates how far the search has progressed, then continues the search. The command searches backwards through the database file to display bad login information. Access to should be restricted to users with appropriate privileges (owned by and readable only by because it may contain password information. Options The and commands recognize the following options and arguments: (none) If no arguments are specified, prints a record of all logins and logouts in reverse order, most recent first. When used with and displays the user's host name as it is stored in the files and respectively. The host name is displayed between the tty name and the user's login time. Limits the report to number of lines. Use file as the name of the accounting file instead of or Use file as the name of the accounting database instead of This option should be used along with the option. Display the fields in long format if this flag is used along with the flag. Without the flag, normal output is displayed. AUTHOR
was developed by the University of California, Berkeley and HP. FILES
Bad login database Login database New login database New bad login database SEE ALSO
login(1), utmp(4), wtmps(4). last(1)
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