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iasl(8) [freebsd man page]

IASL(8) 						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						   IASL(8)

iasl -- Intel ACPI compiler/decompiler SYNOPSIS
iasl [-2cefghl] [-b type] [-d file] [-dc file] [-hc] [-hr] [-i type] [-ln] [-ls] [-oa] [-of] [-oi] [-on] [-ot] [-p prefix] [-s type] [-t type] [-vi] [-vo] [-vr] [-vs] [-x level] [-w level] input-file DESCRIPTION
The iasl utility is a compiler/decompiler for ACPI Source Language (ASL) and ACPI Machine Language (AML). Major features of iasl include: o Full support for the ACPI 3.0b Specification including ASL grammar elements and operators. o Extensive compiler syntax and semantic error checking, especially in the area of control methods. This reduces the number of errors that are not discovered until the AML code is actually interpreted (i.e., the compile-time error checking reduces the number of run-time errors). o Multiple types of output files, including formatted listing files with intermixed source, several types of AML files, and error messages. OPTIONS
-2 Emit ACPI 2.0 compatible ASL code. -b p|t|b Create compiler debug/trace file (*.txt). Types: Parse/Tree/Both. -c Parse only, no output generation. -d file Disassemble AML to ASL source code file (*.dsl). -dc file Disassemble AML and immediately compile it. (Obtain DSDT from current system if no input file.) -e Generate External() statements for unresolved symbols. -f Ignore errors, force creation of AML output file(s). -g Get ACPI tables and write to files (*.dat). -h Additional help and compiler debug options. -hc Display operators allowed in constant expressions. -hr Display ACPI reserved method names. -i a|c Create assembler or C include file (*.inc or *.h). -l Create mixed listing file (ASL source and AML) (*.lst). -ln Create namespace file (*.nsp). -ls Create combined source file (expanded includes) (*.src). -oa Disable all optimizations (compatibility mode). -of Disable constant folding. -oi Disable integer optimization to Zero/One/Ones. -on Disable named reference string optimization. -ot Display compile times. -p prefix Specify filename prefix for all output files (including .aml). -s a|c Create AML in assembler or C source file (*.asm or *.c). -t a|c Create AML in assembler or C hex table (*.hex). -vi Less verbose errors and warnings for use with IDEs. -vo Enable optimization comments. -vr Disable remarks. -vs Disable signon. -x level Set debug level for trace output. -w level Set warning level. SEE ALSO
acpi(4), acpidump(8) HISTORY
The iasl utility is provided with Intel ACPI-CA. It first appeared in FreeBSD 5.2. AUTHORS
The iasl utility was written by Intel. This manual page was written by Nate Lawson. BSD
May 20, 2008 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

ACPIDUMP(1)						      General Commands Manual						       ACPIDUMP(1)

acpidump - dump a system's ACPI tables to an ASCII file acpixtract - convert ASCII acpidump output to raw binary table turbostat - gather performance statistics SYNOPSIS
acpidump [options] acpixtract [options] [filename] turbostat [options] [command [arg]...] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the acpidump , acpixtract and turbostat commands. turbostat reads hardware registers and gather statistics on the processor clock frequency and C-state usage. Works properly on Nehalem and newer processors and on Linux kernel 2.6.30 and later versions. OPTIONS
acpidump options are as follow: -a, --addr 0x1234 look for tables at this phisical address -t, --table DSDT only dump table with DSDT signature -o, --output filename redirect output from stdout to filename -b, --binary dump data in binary form rather than in hex-dump format -l, --lenght 0x456 works only with --addr, dump phisical memory region without trying to understand it's contents -s, --skip 2 skip 2 tables of the given name and output only 3rd one -h, --help outputs an help message OPTIONS
acpixtract options are as follow: -a extract all tables, not just DSDT/SSDT -l list table summaries, do not extract -s<Signature> Extract all tables named <Signature> OPTIONS
turbostat options are as follow: -v makes turbostat more verbose -i <sec> polling interval, default is 5 When given a command turbostat runs it and outputs statistics gathered while the program was running. EXAMPLES
Dump the DSDT table to the file DSDT.aml in binary format (this can be disassembled later with iasl(1)): acpidump -b -t DSDT -o DSDT.aml Show the FACP table: acpidump -t FACP > FACP.dat acpixtract -a FACP.dat iasl -d FACP.dat Dump and extract all ACPI tables: acpidump -o DSDT.dat acpixtract -a Parse APIC tables: acpidump -o DSDT.dat acpixtract -sAPIC DSDT.dat SEE ALSO
iasl(1), AUTHOR
acpidump was written by Alexey Starikovskiy and Len Brown. This manual page was written by Mattia Dongili <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). October 19, 2005 ACPIDUMP(1)
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