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ath3kfw(8) [freebsd man page]

ATH3KFW(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						ATH3KFW(8)

ath3kfw -- firmware download utility for Atheros AR3011 chip based Bluetooth USB devices SYNOPSIS
ath3kfw -d device_name -f firmware_file_name ath3kfw -h DESCRIPTION
The ath3kfw utility downloads the specified firmware file to the specified ugen(4) device. This utility will only work with Atheros AR3011 chip based Bluetooth USB devices. The identification is currently based on USB vendor ID/product ID pair. The vendor ID should be 0x0cf3 (USB_VENDOR_ATHEROS2) and the product ID should be 0x3000. Firmware files ath3k-1.fw and ath3k-2.fw can be obtained from the linux-firmware RPM. The options are as follows: -d device_name Specify ugen(4) device name. -f firmware_file_name Specify firmware file name for download. -h Display usage message and exit. EXIT STATUS
The ath3kfw utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
libusb(3), ugen(4), devd(8) AUTHORS
Maksim Yevmenkin <> BUGS
Most likely. Please report if found. BSD
November 9, 2010 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

BTSOCKSTAT(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					     BTSOCKSTAT(1)

btsockstat -- show Bluetooth sockets information SYNOPSIS
btsockstat [-nrh] [-M core] [-p protocol] DESCRIPTION
The btsockstat utility symbolically displays the contents of various Bluetooth sockets related data structures. There are few output for- mats, depending on the options for the information presented. The btsockstat utility will print results to the standard output and error messages to the standard error. The options are as follows: -h Display usage message and exit. -M core Extract values associated with the name list from the specified core instead of the default /dev/kmem. -n Show Bluetooth addresses as numbers. Normally, btsockstat attempts to resolve Bluetooth addresses, and display them symbolically. -p protocol Display a list of active sockets (protocol control blocks) for each specified protocol. Supported protocols are: hci_raw, l2cap_raw, l2cap, rfcomm and rfcomm_s. -r Display a list of active routing entries (if any) for specified protocol. EXIT STATUS
The btsockstat utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
ng_btsocket(4) AUTHORS
Maksim Yevmenkin <> BUGS
Most likely. Please report if found. BSD
October 12, 2003 BSD
Man Page

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