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ibdm(7d) [freebsd man page]

ibdm(7D)							      Devices								  ibdm(7D)

ibdm - Solaris InfiniBand Device Manager DESCRIPTION
The Infiniband Device Manager (IBDM) is an IBTF-compliant kernel misc module. IBDM adheres to the InfiniBand Device Management class as described in InfiniBand Architecture Specification, Volume 1: Release 1.1 and enumerates all the devices which are visible from a given host and maintains a data base of all IB devices visible to the host. IBDM provides interfaces to the IB nexus driver that enables the driver to retrieve information about IB devices on the fabric. FILES
/kernel/misc/ibdm 32-bit x86 ELF kernel module /kernel/misc/amd64/ibdm 64-bit x86 ELF kernel module /kernel/misc/sparcv9/ibdm 64-bit SPARC ELF kernel module ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute: +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ |Interface Stability | Contract Consolidation Private | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWhea | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5), ib(7D), ibtl(7D), ibcm(7D) InfiniBand Architecture Specification, Volume 1: Release 1.1 DIAGNOSTICS
None. SunOS 5.10 9 Oct 2004 ibdm(7D)

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ibdm(7D)							      Devices								  ibdm(7D)

ibdm - Solaris InfiniBand Device Manager DESCRIPTION
The Infiniband Device Manager (IBDM) is an IBTF-compliant kernel misc module. IBDM adheres to the InfiniBand Device Management class as described in InfiniBand Architecture Specification, Volume 1: Release 1.1 and enumerates all the devices which are visible from a given host and maintains a data base of all IB devices visible to the host. IBDM provides interfaces to the IB nexus driver that enables the driver to retrieve information about IB devices on the fabric. FILES
/kernel/misc/ibdm 32-bit x86 ELF kernel module /kernel/misc/amd64/ibdm 64-bit x86 ELF kernel module /kernel/misc/sparcv9/ibdm 64-bit SPARC ELF kernel module ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for a description of the following attribute: +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ |Interface Stability | Contract Consolidation Private | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWhea | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5), ib(7D), ibtl(7D), ibcm(7D) InfiniBand Architecture Specification, Volume 1: Release 1.1 DIAGNOSTICS
None. SunOS 5.11 9 Oct 2004 ibdm(7D)
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