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miscellaneous(7) [freebsd man page]

INTRO(7)					       BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual						  INTRO(7)

intro -- miscellaneous information pages DESCRIPTION
This section contains miscellaneous documentation. HISTORY
The intro section manual page appeared in 4.2BSD. BSD
June 5, 1993 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

INTRO(7)					       BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual						  INTRO(7)

intro -- miscellaneous information pages DESCRIPTION
This section contains miscellaneous documentation, including: ascii(7) map of ASCII character set c(7) the C programming language environ(7) user environment glob(7) shell-style pattern matching hier(7) file system hierarchy in NetBSD hostname(7) host name resolution description mailaddr(7) mail addressing description mdoc(7) macros for typesetting -mdoc style manual pages mdoc.samples(7) tutorial for writing BSD manuals with -mdoc module(7) kernel modules nls(7) overview of national language support operator(7) C operator precedence and order of evaluation orders(7) orders of magnitude pkgsrc(7) the NetBSD packages collection release(7) layout of NetBSD releases and snapshots script(7) how interpreter scripts are executed security(7) security features available in NetBSD setuid(7) checklist for security and setuid programs signal(7) available signals under NetBSD sticky(7) sticky bit (S_ISVTX) handling symlink(7) symbolic link handling sysctl(7) system information variables in NetBSD tests(7) NetBSD test suite HISTORY
The intro(7) manual page appeared in 4.2BSD. BSD
March 18, 2011 BSD
Man Page

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In this following command: awk 'BEGIN{ORS=""}1' what does '1' signifies that comes after closing curly brace '}' of awk? I guess, it does not mean 'first occurrence' because I verified that. And, pls tell me how to override or suppress awk's field variables like $1, $2.. by positional... (7 Replies)
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2. Shell Programming and Scripting

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Hi everyone, I read some shell script code,then I have some issue. the following code. let "t1 = ((5 + 3, 7 - 1, 15 - 4))" echo "t1 = $t1" t1=11 Here t1 is set to the result of the last operation.why? (3 Replies)
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3. Shell Programming and Scripting

Awk miscellaneous doubts

Hi, I am having the following doubts on awk. Please clarify for me. a) What does it mean? awk '$1=$1' and how does it change if I append FS="" to the above code? b) What if I use awk -vFS="\n" (i.e) setting (input) field separator to newline char, then what will be the value of $0,... (6 Replies)
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