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slapo-dyngroup(5) [freebsd man page]

SLAPO-DYNGROUP(5)						File Formats Manual						 SLAPO-DYNGROUP(5)

slapo-dyngroup - Dynamic Group overlay to slapd SYNOPSIS
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf DESCRIPTION
The Dynamic Group overlay allows clients to use LDAP Compare operations to test the membership of a dynamic group the same way they would check against a static group. Compare operations targeting a group's static member attribute will be intercepted and tested against the configured dynamic group's URL attribute. Note that this intercept only happens if the actual Compare operation does not return a LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE result. So if a group has both static and dynamic members, the static member list will be checked first. CONFIGURATION
This slapd.conf option applies to the Dynamic Group overlay. It should appear after the overlay directive. attrpair <memberAttr> <URLattr> Specify the attributes to be compared. A compare operation on the memberAttr will cause the URLattr to be evaluated for the result. EXAMPLES
database bdb ... overlay dyngroup attrpair member memberURL FILES
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf default slapd configuration file SEE ALSO
slapd.conf(5), slapd-config(5). AUTHOR
Howard Chu OpenLDAP 2012/04/23 SLAPO-DYNGROUP(5)

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SLAPO-DYNGROUP(5)						File Formats Manual						 SLAPO-DYNGROUP(5)

slapo-dyngroup - Dynamic Group overlay to slapd SYNOPSIS
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf DESCRIPTION
The Dynamic Group overlay allows clients to use LDAP Compare operations to test the membership of a dynamic group the same way they would check against a static group. Compare operations targeting a group's static member attribute will be intercepted and tested against the configured dynamic group's URL attribute. Note that this intercept only happens if the actual Compare operation does not return a LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE result. So if a group has both static and dynamic members, the static member list will be checked first. CONFIGURATION
This slapd.conf option applies to the Dynamic Group overlay. It should appear after the overlay directive. attrpair <memberAttr> <URLattr> Specify the attributes to be compared. A compare operation on the memberAttr will cause the URLattr to be evaluated for the result. EXAMPLES
database bdb ... overlay dyngroup attrpair member memberURL FILES
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf default slapd configuration file SEE ALSO
slapd.conf(5), slapd-config(5). AUTHOR
Howard Chu OpenLDAP 2012/04/23 SLAPO-DYNGROUP(5)
Man Page

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