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linsysfs(5) [freebsd man page]

LINSYSFS(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						       LINSYSFS(5)

linsysfs -- Linux system file system SYNOPSIS
linsys /compat/linux/sys linsysfs rw 0 0 DESCRIPTION
The Linux system file system, or linsysfs, emulates a subset of the Linux sys file system and is required for the complete operation of some Linux binaries. The linsysfs provides a two-level view of devices. At the highest level, PCI devices themselves are named, according to their bus, slot and function in the system hierarchy. PCI storage devices are listed in the scsi_host class with a device symlink to the PCI directories of the devices. Each device node is a directory containing some files and directories: host A place holder for storage host information. pci_id A directory for the pci_id that contains either the device information or another directory structure for a PCI bridge. Each host node of scsi_host is a directory containing some files and directories: proc_name The Linux registered driver name for these devices. device A symlink to the PCI device directory. FILES
/compat/linux/sys The normal mount point for linsysfs. /compat/linux/sys/class/scsi_host The storage host node. /compat/linux/sys/devices/pci0000:00 The PCI device hierarchy node. EXAMPLES
The most common usage follows: mount -t linsysfs linsys /compat/linux/sys where /compat/linux/sys is a mount point. SEE ALSO
nmount(2), unmount(2), linprocfs(5), pseudofs(9) HISTORY
The linsysfs driver first appeared in FreeBSD 6.2. AUTHORS
The linsysfs driver was derived from linprocfs by Doug Ambrisko. This manual page was edited by Doug Ambrisko, based on the linprocfs(5) manual page by Garrett Wollman. BSD
February 5, 2007 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

PSEUDOFS(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					       PSEUDOFS(9)

pseudofs -- pseudo file system construction kit SYNOPSIS
#include <fs/pseudofs/pseudofs.h> DESCRIPTION
The pseudofs module offers an abstract API for pseudo-file systems such as procfs(5) and linprocfs(5). It takes care of all the hairy bits like interfacing with the VFS system, enforcing access control, keeping track of file numbers, and cloning files and directories that are process-specific. The consumer module, i.e., the module that implements the actual guts of the file system, needs only provide the directory structure (represented by a collection of structures declared and initialized by macros provided by pseudofs) and callbacks that report file attributes or write the actual file contents into sbufs. SEE ALSO
linprocfs(5), linsysfs(5), procfs(5), sbuf(9), vnode(9) HISTORY
The pseudofs module appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The pseudofs module and this manual page were written by Dag-Erling Smorgrav <>. BSD
April 20, 2007 BSD
Man Page

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