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scd(4) [freebsd man page]

SCD(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    SCD(4)

scd -- Sony CDU31/33 CD-ROM driver SYNOPSIS
device scd In /boot/device.hints:"isa" hint.scd.0.port="0x230" DESCRIPTION
The scd driver provides a data interface to the Sony CDU31 and CDU33A CD-ROM drives. The drive must be hooked to a Sony proprietary inter- face card or a compatible clone. FILES
/dev/[r]scd0a accesses BSD partition on the disc. Normally, there is only one file system on a CDROM disc. /dev/[r]scd0c accesses the raw device. SEE ALSO
/sys/dev/scd/scd.c HISTORY
The scd driver first appeared in FreeBSD 2.0.5. AUTHORS
The driver was written by Mikael Hybsch with code contributed by Holger Veit and Brian Moore. BSD
March 17, 2008 BSD

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MCD(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    MCD(4)

mcd -- Mitsumi CD-ROM driver SYNOPSIS
device mcd In /boot/device.hints:"isa""0x300""10" DESCRIPTION
The mcd driver provides a data and audio interface to the Mitsumi-brand CD-ROM player. The CD-ROM player must be interfaced to the ISA bus through one of the Mitsumi proprietary controller boards. The controller boards supported are the LU002S, LU005S, the FX001 and the quite common FX001D. The mcd driver responds to disk-specific ioctl() commands, namely the DIOCGPART command. Other disk-specific ioctl() commands will return an error. The mcd driver also responds to special CD-ROM ioctl() commands. These commands control the CD-ROM player's audio features. The commands are: CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL get sub-channel information on current status of disc playing CDIOCREADTOCHEADER get table of contents header CDIOCREADTOCENTRYS gets all of the table of contents CDIOCPLAYTRACKS begins audio playing at location specified CDIOCPLAYBLOCKS fails with error EINVAL CDIOCPLAYMSF begins audio playing at location specified CDIOCRESUME resumes playing a previously paused disc CDIOCPAUSE pauses a playing disc CDIOCSTART begins playing a disc CDIOCSTOP stops a previously playing disc CDIOCEJECT opens the disc tray (there is no support for a corresponding un-eject command). CDIOCRESET stops any play and resets the Mitsumi controller board CDIOCSETDEBUG cause the kernel to print debug messages to the console about the mcd driver CDIOCCLRDEBUG cause the kernel to quit printing debug messages about the mcd driver The ioctl() commands defined above are the only ones that the mcd driver supports. There are other CD-ROM related ioctl() commands (such as CDIOCSETVOL and CDIOCSETSTERIO) which are available and may be supported by future versions of the driver. FILES
/dev/(r)mcd0a accesses BSD partition on the disc. Normally, there is only one file system on a CD-ROM disc. /dev/(r)mcd0c accesses raw device. NOTES
The character-mode devices for the mcd driver should only be used for accessing the audio features of the CD-ROM player as the performance on data is abysmal. The current version of the driver uses neither the DMA or IRQ features of the interface board, although it has an interrupt handler for any IRQ requests that are generated. Until the DMA features are supported, the only interrupts that the board generates are those that are not supported by the driver anyway. SEE ALSO
<sys/cdio.h> HISTORY
An mcd driver appeared in FreeBSD 1.0. AUTHORS
The driver was written by Holger Veit (data part) and Brian Moore (audio part). Changes were provided by Gary Clark II, Andrew A. Chernov, and Jordan K. Hubbard. BSD
December 8, 1994 BSD
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