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pt(4) [freebsd man page]

PT(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     PT(4)

pt -- SCSI processor type driver SYNOPSIS
The pt driver provides support for a SCSI processor type device. These are usually scanners and other devices using the SCSI link as a com- munication interface with device specific commands embedded in the data stream. A SCSI adapter must be separately configured into the system before this driver can be used. This device supports read(2) and write(2), and the ioctl(2) calls described below. IOCTLS
The following ioctl(2) calls are supported by the pt driver. They are defined in the header file <sys/ptio.h>. PTIOCGETTIMEOUT This ioctl allows userland applications to fetch the current pt driver read and write timeout. The value returned is in seconds. PTIOCSETTIMEOUT This ioctl allows userland applications to set the current pt driver read and write timeouts. The value should be in sec- onds. FILES
/dev/ptN the Nth processor device. SEE ALSO
cam(4) HISTORY
The pt driver appeared in FreeBSD 2.1. BSD
March 2, 1995 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

PT(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     PT(4)

pt -- SCSI processor type driver SYNOPSIS
The pt driver provides support for a SCSI processor type device. These are usually scanners and other devices using the SCSI link as a com- munication interface with device specific commands embedded in the data stream. A SCSI adapter must be separately configured into the system before this driver can be used. This device supports read(2) and write(2), and the ioctl(2) calls described below. IOCTLS
The following ioctl(2) calls are supported by the pt driver. They are defined in the header file <sys/ptio.h>. PTIOCGETTIMEOUT This ioctl allows userland applications to fetch the current pt driver read and write timeout. The value returned is in seconds. PTIOCSETTIMEOUT This ioctl allows userland applications to set the current pt driver read and write timeouts. The value should be in sec- onds. FILES
/dev/ptN the Nth processor device. SEE ALSO
cam(4) HISTORY
The pt driver appeared in FreeBSD 2.1. BSD
March 2, 1995 BSD
Man Page

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