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pcf(4) [freebsd man page]

PCF(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    PCF(4)

pcf -- Philips I2C bus controller SYNOPSIS
device pcf In /boot/device.hints:"isa" hint.pcf.0.port="0x320" hint.pcf.0.irq="5" For one or more iicbus busses: device iicbus DESCRIPTION
The pcf driver provides support to the Philips PCF8584 I2C controller for the iicbus(4) system. The PCF8584 is an integrated circuit designed in CMOS technology which serves as an interface between most standard parallel-bus microcon- trollers/microprocessors and the serial I2C-bus. The PCF8584 provides both master and slave functions. Communication with I2C-bus is car- ried out on a byte-wise basis using interrupt or polled handshake. It controls all the I2C-bus specific sequences, protocol, arbitration and timing. The PCF8584 allows parallel-bus systems to communicate bidirectionally with the I2C-bus. SEE ALSO
iicbus(4) HISTORY
The pcf manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0. AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Nicolas Souchu. BSD
August 6, 1998 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

LPBB(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   LPBB(4)

lpbb -- parallel port I2C bit-banging interface SYNOPSIS
device iicbus device iicbb device lpbb device iic DESCRIPTION
The lpbb driver supports the Philips official I2C parallel bit-banging interface. LS05 pin 14 (Vcc) o ------- | | | +--+--+---------------------+--+--+------------+------+-o 1 | | | | | | | ===.1uF | +5V | -------- [R][R][R] 3x10K 3x10K [R][R][R] LS05 | | | | | | | | | | | pin 7 o-+------+-o 2 | | 12 o-+--+ | | 3| 4 | | | (Gnd) | GND | | 17 o-+-----|--|----| >o-------------+--|--|--------------+ | | | | | | |/ 8 /|9 | | 10 /|11 +----+-o 3 | | 15 o-+-----+--|--------------o< |------+--|------o< |----+ | SCL | | | | 1| 2 | | | | | | 9 o-+--------|----| >o-------------------+--------------+----+-o 4 | | | | |/ 6 /|5 | | SDA | | 11 o-+--------+----------------------------------o< |----+ ------- | 10 o-+-+ | 4-pin | 13 o-+-+--oGND Connector | 25 o-+-+ ------------------ Part List -------------------------- -------- | 1 - .1 uF capacitor | 6 - 10K 5% resistors | 25-pin male D | 1 - 4-pin connector | 1 - 25-pin male D connector | connector to PC | 1 - 74LS05 open collector hex inverter | printer port ------------------------------------------------------- SEE ALSO
iicbb(4), iicbus(4), ppbus(4) HISTORY
The lpbb manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0. AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Nicolas Souchu. BSD
October 25, 1998 BSD
Man Page

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