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nsp(4) [freebsd man page]

NSP(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    NSP(4)

nsp -- Workbit Ninja SCSI-3 based PC-Card SCSI host adapter driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device scbus device nsp Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): nsp_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
The nsp driver provides access to the SCSI bus connected to a PC-Card SCSI host adapter based on a Ninja SCSI-3 controller by Workbit. HARDWARE
Controllers supported by the nsp driver include: o Alpha-Data AD-PCS201 o I-O DATA CBSC16 SEE ALSO
cd(4), ch(4), da(4), intro(4), pccard(4), sa(4), scsi(4) HISTORY
The nsp driver has been developed for NetBSD/pc98 and ported for FreeBSD. It first appeared in FreeBSD 3.4 with PAO3 and merged in FreeBSD 4.2. AUTHORS
The nsp driver was written by Naofumi HONDA. This manual page was written by Noriaki MITSUNAGA <> and Hideyuki KURASHINA <>. BUGS
SMIT mode is only supported under OLDCARD now. BSD
August 8, 2004 BSD

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STG(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    STG(4)

stg -- driver for Future Domain based SCSI controllers SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device scbus device stg For one or more ISA cards: device isa In /boot/device.hints:"isa" For one or more PCI cards: device pci Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): stg_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
The stg driver provides support for ISA, PCCARD and PCI controllers based on Future Domain SCSI controller chips including the TMC-16C30, 16C50 and 32C60. HARDWARE
Controllers supported by the stg driver include: o Adaptec 2920/A o Future Domain SCSI2GO o Future Domain TMC-18XX/3260 o IBM SCSI PCMCIA Card o ICM PSC-2401 SCSI o MELCO IFC-SC o RATOC REX-5536, REX-5536AM, REX-5536M, REX-9836A Note that the Adaptec 2920C is supported by the ahc(4) driver. SEE ALSO
ahc(4), cd(4), ch(4), da(4), intro(4), sa(4), scsi(4) HISTORY
The stg device driver has been developed for NetBSD/pc98 and ported for FreeBSD. It first appeared in FreeBSD 2.2 with PAO and merged in FreeBSD 4.2. AUTHORS
The stg driver was written by Naofumi HONDA. BSD
August 8, 2004 BSD
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