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mfi(4) [freebsd man page]

MFI(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    MFI(4)

mfi -- LSI MegaRAID SAS driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device pci device mfi Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): mfi_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
This driver is for LSI's next generation PCI Express SAS RAID controllers. Access to RAID arrays (logical disks) from this driver is pro- vided via /dev/mfid? device nodes. A simple management interface is also provided on a per-controller basis via the /dev/mfi? device node. The mfi name is derived from the phrase "MegaRAID Firmware Interface", which is substantially different than the old "MegaRAID" interface and thus requires a new driver. Older SCSI and SATA MegaRAID cards are supported by amr(4) and will not work with this driver. Two sysctls are provided to tune the mfi driver's behavior when a request is made to remove a mounted volume. By default the driver will disallow any requests to remove a mounted volume. If the sysctl dev.mfi.%d.delete_busy_volumes is set to 1, then the driver will allow mounted volumes to be removed. A tunable is provided to adjust the mfi driver's behaviour when attaching to a card. By default the driver will attach to all known cards with high probe priority. If the tunable hw.mfi.mrsas_enable is set to 1, then the driver will reduce its probe priority to allow mrsas to attach to the card instead of mfi. HARDWARE
The mfi driver supports the following hardware: o LSI MegaRAID SAS 1078 o LSI MegaRAID SAS 8408E o LSI MegaRAID SAS 8480E o LSI MegaRAID SAS 9240 o LSI MegaRAID SAS 9260 o Dell PERC5 o Dell PERC6 o IBM ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA o IBM ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA o IBM ServeRAID M5015 SAS/SATA o IBM ServeRAID M5110 SAS/SATA o IBM ServeRAID-MR10i o Intel RAID Controller SRCSAS18E o Intel RAID Controller SROMBSAS18E FILES
/dev/mfid? array/logical disk interface /dev/mfi? management interface DIAGNOSTICS
mfid%d: Unable to delete busy device An attempt was made to remove a mounted volume. SEE ALSO
amr(4), pci(4), mfiutil(8) HISTORY
The mfi driver first appeared in FreeBSD 6.1. AUTHORS
The mfi driver and this manual page were written by Scott Long <>. BUGS
The driver does not support big-endian architectures at this time. BSD
July 15, 2013 BSD

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MPT(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    MPT(4)

mpt -- LSI Fusion-MPT SCSI/Fibre Channel driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device scbus device mpt Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): mpt_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
The mpt driver provides support for the LSI Logic Fusion-MPT family of SCSI, Fibre Channel and SAS controllers. HARDWARE
The following controllers are supported by the mpt driver: o LSI Logic 53c1030, LSI Logic LSI2x320-X (Single and Dual Ultra320 SCSI) o LSI Logic AS1064, LSI Logic AS1068 (SAS/SATA) o LSI Logic FC909 (1Gb/s Fibre Channel) o LSI Logic FC909A (Dual 1Gb/s Fibre Channel) o LSI Logic FC919, LSI Logic 7102XP-LC (Single 2Gb/s Fibre Channel) o LSI Logic FC929, LSI Logic FC929X, LSI Logic 7202XP-LC (Dual 2Gb/s Fibre Channel) o LSI Logic FC949X (Dual 4Gb/s Fibre Channel) o LSI Logic FC949E, LSI Logic FC949ES (Dual 4Gb/s Fibre Channel PCI-Express) The Ultra 320 SCSI controller chips supported by the mpt driver can be found onboard on many systems including: o Dell PowerEdge 1750 thru 2850 o IBM eServer xSeries 335 These systems also contain Integrated RAID Mirroring and Integrated RAID Mirroring Enhanced which this driver also supports. The SAS controller chips are also present on many new AMD/Opteron based systems, like the Sun 4100. Note that this controller can drive both SAS and SATA drives or a mix of them at the same time. The Integrated RAID Mirroring available for these controllers is poorly supported at best. The Fibre Channel controller chipset are supported by a broad variety of speeds and systems. The Apple Fibre Channel HBA is in fact the FC949ES card. This driver also supports target mode for Fibre Channel cards. This support may be enabled by setting the desired role of the core via the LSI Logic firmware utility that establishes what roles the card can take on - no separate compilation is required. SEE ALSO
cd(4), ch(4), da(4), mps(4), pci(4), sa(4), scsi(4), targ(4), gmultipath(8), mptutil(8) LSI Logic Website, HISTORY
The mpt driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.6. AUTHORS
The mpt driver was originally written for FreeBSD by Greg Ansley and marginally improved upon by Matt Jacob <>. Justin Gibbs <> and Scott Long <> have made more substantial improvements. BSD
July 23, 2011 BSD
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