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hv_netvsc(4) [freebsd man page]

HYPER-V(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						HYPER-V(4)

hv_netvsc -- Hyper-V Network Virtual Service Consumer SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in the system kernel configuration file: device hyperv DESCRIPTION
The hv_netvsc driver implements the virtual network device for FreeBSD guest partitions running on Hyper-V. FreeBSD guest partitions running on Hyper-V do not have direct access to network devices attached to the Hyper-V server. Although a FreeBSD guest can access network devices using Hyper-V's full emulation mode, the performance in this mode tends to be unsatisfactory. To counter the above issues, the hv_netvsc driver implements a network Virtual Service Consumer (VSC) that relays network requests from the guest partition to the network Virtual Service Provider (VSP) hosted in the root partition using the high performance data exchange infra- structure provided by hv_vmbus(4) driver. The VSP in the root partition then forwards the network related requests to the physical network card. SEE ALSO
hv_ata_pci_disengage(4), hv_storvsc(4), hv_utils(4), hv_vmbus(4) HISTORY
Support for hv_netvsc first appeared in FreeBSD 10.0. The driver was developed through a joint effort between Citrix Incorporated, Microsoft Corporation, and Network Appliance Incorporated. AUTHORS
FreeBSD support for hv_netvsc was first added by Microsoft BSD Integration Services Team <>. BSD
September 10, 2013 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

HYPER-V(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						HYPER-V(4)

hv_vmbus -- Hyper-V Virtual Machine Bus (VMBus) Driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in the system kernel configuration file: device hyperv DESCRIPTION
The hv_vmbus provides a high performance communication interface between guest and root partitions in Hyper-V. Hyper-V is a hypervisor-based virtualization technology from Microsoft. Hyper-V supports isolation in terms of a partition. A partition is a logical unit of isolation, supported by the hypervisor, in which operating systems execute. The Microsoft hypervisor must have at least one parent, or root, partition, running Windows Server operating system. The virtualization stack runs in the parent partition and has direct access to the hardware devices. The root partition then creates the child partitions which host the guest operating systems. Child partitions do not have direct access to other hardware resources and are presented a virtual view of the resources, as virtual devices (VDevs). Requests to the virtual devices are redirected either via the VMBus or the hypervisor to the devices in the parent partition, which handles the requests. The VMBus is a logical inter-partition communication channel. The parent partition hosts Virtualization Service Providers (VSPs) which com- municate over the VMBus to handle device access requests from child partitions. Child partitions host Virtualization Service Consumers (VSCs) which redirect device requests to VSPs in the parent partition via the VMBus. The Hyper-V VMBus driver defines and implements the interface that facilitate high performance bi-directional communication between the VSCs and VSPs. All VSCs utilize the VMBus driver. SEE ALSO
hv_ata_pci_disengage(4), hv_netvsc(4), hv_storvsc(4), hv_utils(4) HISTORY
Support for hv_vmbus first appeared in FreeBSD 10.0. The driver was developed through a joint effort between Citrix Incorporated, Microsoft Corporation, and Network Appliance Incorporated. AUTHORS
FreeBSD support for hv_vmbus was first added by Microsoft BSD Integration Services Team <>. BSD
September 10, 2013 BSD
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