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acpi_video(4) [freebsd man page]

ACPI_VIDEO(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					     ACPI_VIDEO(4)

acpi_video -- ACPI Video Extensions driver SYNOPSIS
device acpi_video DESCRIPTION
This driver uses the ACPI Video Extensions to control display switching and backlight brightness. The availability of the sysctl(8) vari- ables depends on the functions offered by the host's ACPI implementation. SYSCTL VARIABLES
The following sysctls are currently implemented, where <device> is crt, lcd, or tv:<device>.active Current state of the output device.<device>.levels List of supported brightness levels.<device>.brightness Current brightness level of the device.<device>.fullpower Preset brightness level to be used in full power mode.<device>.economy Preset brightness level to be used in economy mode. Defaults for these variables can be set in sysctl.conf(5), which is parsed at boot-time. SEE ALSO
acpi(4), loader.conf(5), sysctl.conf(5), sysctl(8) HISTORY
The acpi_video driver first appeared in FreeBSD 5.3. AUTHORS
The acpi_video driver was written by Taku YAMAMOTO <>. This manual page was written by Mark Santcroos <>. BUGS
Some systems only perform output switching via SMM even though they export the proper information via ACPI. On such systems, the proper hotkeys or OEM driver (for example, acpi_toshiba(4)) must be used instead. BSD
November 8, 2004 BSD

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ACPI_VIDEO(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					     ACPI_VIDEO(4)

acpi_video -- ACPI Video Extensions driver SYNOPSIS
device acpi_video DESCRIPTION
This driver uses the ACPI Video Extensions to control display switching and backlight brightness. The availability of the sysctl(8) vari- ables depends on the functions offered by the host's ACPI implementation. SYSCTL VARIABLES
The following sysctls are currently implemented, where <device> is crt, lcd, or tv:<device>.active Current state of the output device.<device>.levels List of supported brightness levels.<device>.brightness Current brightness level of the device.<device>.fullpower Preset brightness level to be used in full power mode.<device>.economy Preset brightness level to be used in economy mode. Defaults for these variables can be set in sysctl.conf(5), which is parsed at boot-time. SEE ALSO
acpi(4), loader.conf(5), sysctl.conf(5), sysctl(8) HISTORY
The acpi_video driver first appeared in FreeBSD 5.3. AUTHORS
The acpi_video driver was written by Taku YAMAMOTO <>. This manual page was written by Mark Santcroos <>. BUGS
Some systems only perform output switching via SMM even though they export the proper information via ACPI. On such systems, the proper hotkeys or OEM driver (for example, acpi_toshiba(4)) must be used instead. BSD
November 8, 2004 BSD
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