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aacraid(4) [freebsd man page]

AACRAID(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						AACRAID(4)

aacraid -- Adaptec AACRAID Controller driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device pci device aacraid To compile in debugging code: options AACRAID_DEBUG=N Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): aacraid_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
The aacraid driver provides support for the Adaptec by PMC RAID controllers, including Series 6/7/8 and upcoming families. The RAID containers are handled via the aacraidp0 bus. The physical buses are represented by the aacraidp? devices (beginning with aacraidp1). These devices enable the SCSI pass-thru interface and allows devices connected to the card such as CD-ROMs to be available via the CAM scsi(4) subsystem. Note that not all cards allow this interface to be enabled. The /dev/aacraid? device nodes provide access to the management interface of the controller. One node exists per installed card. If the kernel is compiled with the COMPAT_LINUX option, or the aacraid_linux.ko and linux.ko modules are loaded, the Linux-compatible ioctl(2) interface for the management device will be enabled and will allow Linux-based management applications to control the card. HARDWARE
Controllers supported by the aacraid driver include: o Adaptec ASR-6405(T|E) o Adaptec ASR-6445 o Adaptec ASR-6805(T|E|Q|TQ) o Adaptec ASR-7085 o Adaptec ASR-7805(Q) o Adaptec ASR-70165 o Adaptec ASR-71605(E|Q) o Adaptec ASR-71685 o Adaptec ASR-72405 o Adaptec Series 8 cards FILES
/dev/aacraid? aacraid management interface DIAGNOSTICS
Compiling with AACRAID_DEBUG set to a number between 0 and 3 will enable increasingly verbose debug messages. The adapter can send status and alert messages asynchronously to the driver. These messages are printed on the system console, and are also queued for retrieval by a management application. SEE ALSO
kld(4), linux(4), scsi(4), kldload(8) AUTHORS
Achim Leubner <> Ed Maste <> Scott Long <> BUGS
The controller is not actually paused on suspend/resume. BSD
April 09, 2013 BSD

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AHD(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    AHD(4)

ahd -- Adaptec PCI/PCI-X Ultra320 SCSI host adapter driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device pci device scbus device ahd To compile in debugging code: options AHD_DEBUG options AHD_DEBUG_OPTS=<bitmask of options> options AHD_REG_PRETTY_PRINT To configure one or more controllers to assume the target role: options AHD_TMODE_ENABLE=<bitmask of units> Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): ahd_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
This driver provides access to the SCSI bus(es) connected to Adaptec AIC79xx host adapter chips. Driver features include support for narrow and wide busses, fast, ultra, ultra2, ultra160, and ultra320 synchronous transfers, packetized transfers, tagged queueing, 512 SCB's, and target mode. The AHD_DEBUG_OPTS option is used to control which diagnostic messages are printed to the console when AHD_DEBUG is enabled. Logically OR the following bits together: Value Function 0x0001 Show miscellaneous information 0x0002 Show sense data 0x0004 Show Serial EEPROM contents 0x0008 Show bus termination settings 0x0010 Show host memory usage 0x0020 Show SCSI protocol messages 0x0040 Show mode pointer of the chip register window 0x0080 Show selection timeouts 0x0100 Show FIFO usage messages 0x0200 Show Queue Full status 0x0400 Show SCB queue status 0x0800 Show inbound packet information 0x1000 Show S/G list information 0x2000 Enable extra diagnostic code in the firmware The AHD_REG_PRETTY_PRINT option compiles in support for human-readable bit definitions for each register that is printed by the debugging code. However, it also bloats the compiled size of the driver by approximately 215KB. Individual controllers may be configured to operate in the target role through the AHD_TMODE_ENABLE configuration option. The value assigned to this option should be a bitmap of all units where target mode is desired. For example, a value of 0x25 would enable target mode on units 0, 2, and 5. Note that target mode is only supported for ultra160 speeds and below. Per target configuration performed in the SCSI-Select menu, accessible at boot, is honored by this driver. This includes synchronous/asyn- chronous transfers, maximum synchronous negotiation rate, wide transfers, disconnection, and the host adapter's SCSI ID. HARDWARE
The ahd driver supports the following: o Adaptec AIC7901 host adapter chip o Adaptec AIC7901A host adapter chip o Adaptec AIC7902 host adapter chip o Adaptec 29320 host adapter o Adaptec 39320 host adapter o Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support SEE ALSO
ahc(4), cd(4), da(4), sa(4), scsi(4) HISTORY
The ahd driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.7. AUTHORS
The ahd driver, the AIC7xxx sequencer-code assembler, and the firmware running on the aic79xx chips was written by Justin T. Gibbs. This manual page is based on the ahc(4) manual page. BUGS
The current generation of 79xx chips do not support target mode in Ultra320 mode. Target mode in general has not been well tested in this driver. BSD
July 4, 2004 BSD
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