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sscanf_l(3) [freebsd man page]

SCANF_L(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						SCANF_L(3)

scanf_l, fscanf_l, sscanf_l, vfscanf_l, vscanf_l, vsscanf_l -- input format conversion LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> #include <xlocale.h> int scanf_l(locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, ...); int fscanf_l(FILE * restrict stream, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, ...); int sscanf_l(const char * restrict str, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, ...); int vfscanf_l(FILE * restrict stream, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap); int vscanf_l(locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap); int vsscanf_l(const char * restrict str, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap); DESCRIPTION
The above functions scan input according to a specified format in the locale loc. They behave in the same way as the versions without the _l suffix, but use the specific locale rather than the global or per-thread locale. See the specific manual pages for more information. SEE ALSO
scanf(3), xlocale(3) STANDARDS
These functions do not conform to any specific standard so they should be considered as non-portable local extensions. HISTORY
These functions first appeared in Darwin and were first implemented in FreeBSD 9.1. BSD
April 8, 2012 BSD

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SCANF_L(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						SCANF_L(3)

fscanf_l, scanf_l, sscanf_l, vfscanf_l, vscanf_l, vsscanf_l -- input format conversion LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> #include <xlocale.h> int fscanf_l(FILE * restrict stream, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, ...); int scanf_l(locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, ...); int sscanf_l(const char * restrict str, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, ...); #include <stdarg.h> #include <xlocale.h> int vfscanf_l(FILE * restrict stream, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap); int vscanf_l(locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap); int vsscanf_l(const char * restrict str, locale_t loc, const char * restrict format, va_list ap); DESCRIPTION
The scanf_l(), fscanf_l(), sscanf_l(), vscanf_l(), vsscanf_l(), and vfscanf_l() functions are extended locale versions of the scanf(), fscanf(), sscanf(), vscanf(), vsscanf(), and vfscanf() functions, respectively. Refer to their manual pages for details. Also, see xlocale(3) for more information about extended locales. SEE ALSO
scanf(3), xlocale(3) BSD
March 11, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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