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pmc.tsc(3) [freebsd man page]

PMC.TSC(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						PMC.TSC(3)

pmc.tsc -- measurements using the i386 timestamp counter LIBRARY
Performance Counters Library (libpmc, -lpmc) SYNOPSIS
#include <pmc.h> DESCRIPTION
In the i386 architecture, the timestamp counter is a monotonically non-decreasing counter that counts processor cycles. This counter may be selected specifying an event specifier ``tsc'' to pmc_allocate(3). The TSC is a read-only counter that may only be allo- cated in system-wide counting mode. The ``tsc'' event does not support further event qualifiers. Multiple processes are allowed to allocate the TSC. Once allocated, the TSC may be read using the pmc_read() function, or by using the RDTSC instruction. Event Name Aliases The alias ``cycles'' maps to the TSC. SEE ALSO
pmc(3), pmc.atom(3), pmc.core(3), pmc.core2(3), pmc.iaf(3), pmc.k7(3), pmc.k8(3), pmc.p4(3), pmc.p5(3), pmc.p6(3), pmc.soft(3), pmclog(3), hwpmc(4) HISTORY
The pmc library first appeared in FreeBSD 6.0. AUTHORS
The Performance Counters Library (libpmc, -lpmc) library was written by Joseph Koshy <>. BSD
October 4, 2008 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

PMC_READ(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					       PMC_READ(3)

pmc_read, pmc_rw, pmc_write, -- read and write hardware performance counters LIBRARY
Performance Counters Library (libpmc, -lpmc) SYNOPSIS
#include <pmc.h> int pmc_read(pmc_id_t pmc, pmc_value_t *value); int pmc_rw(pmc_id_t pmc, pmc_value_t newvalue, pmc_value_t *oldvaluep); int pmc_write(pmc_id_t pmc, pmc_value_t value); DESCRIPTION
These functions read and write the current value of a PMC. Function pmc_read() will read the current value of the PMC specified by argument pmc and write it to the location specified by argument value. Function pmc_write() will set the current value of the PMC specified by argument pmc to the value specified by argument value. Function pmc_rw() combines a read and a write into a single atomic operation. For write operations the PMC should be a quiescent state. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
A call to these functions may fail with the following errors: [EBUSY] A write operation specified a currently running PMC. [EINVAL] Argument pmc specified a PMC not in a readable state. [EINVAL] The PMC specified by argument pmc was not owned by the current process. SEE ALSO
pmc(3), hwpmc(4) BSD
November 25, 2007 BSD
Man Page

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