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lrint(3) [freebsd man page]

LRINT(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  LRINT(3)

llrint, llrintf, llrintl, lrint, lrintf, lrintl -- convert to integer LIBRARY
Math Library (libm, -lm) SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> long long llrint(double x); long long llrintf(float x); long long llrintl(long double x); long lrint(double x); long lrintf(float x); long lrintl(long double x); DESCRIPTION
The lrint() function returns the integer nearest to its argument x according to the current rounding mode. If the rounded result is too large to be represented as a long value, an invalid exception is raised and the return value is undefined. Otherwise, if x is not an inte- ger, lrint() raises an inexact exception. When the rounded result is representable as a long, the expression lrint(x) is equivalent to (long)rint(x) (although the former may be more efficient). The llrint(), llrintf(), llrintl(), lrintf(), and lrintl() functions differ from lrint() only in their input and output types. SEE ALSO
lround(3), math(3), rint(3), round(3) STANDARDS
These functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99''). HISTORY
The llrint(), llrintf(), lrint(), and lrintf() routines first appeared in FreeBSD 5.4. The long double variants were introduced in FreeBSD 8.0. BSD
January 13, 2008 BSD

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LRINT(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							  LRINT(3)

lrint, lrintf, lrintl, llrint, llrintf, llrintl - round to nearest integer SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> long int lrint(double x); long int lrintf(float x); long int lrintl(long double x); long long int llrint(double x); long long int llrintf(float x); long long int llrintl(long double x); DESCRIPTION
These functions round their argument to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding direction. If x is infinite or NaN, or if the rounded value is outside the range of the return type, the numeric result is unspecified. A domain error may occur if the magnitude of x is too large. RETURN VALUE
The rounded integer value. ERRORS
EDOM The magnitude of x is too large and (math_errhandling & MATH_ERRNO) is non-zero. CONFORMING TO
ceil(3), floor(3), lround(3), nearbyint(3), rint(3), round(3) 2001-05-31 LRINT(3)
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