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kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs(3) [freebsd man page]

KICONV(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						 KICONV(3)

kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair, kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs, kiconv_add_xlat16_table -- kernel side iconv library LIBRARY
Kernel side iconv library (libkiconv, -lkiconv) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/iconv.h> int kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode, int flag); int kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs(const char *foreigncode, const char *localcode); int kiconv_add_xlat16_table(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode, const void *data, int datalen); DESCRIPTION
The kiconv library provides multi-byte character conversion tables for kernel side iconv service. The kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair() function defines a conversion table using iconv(3) between fromcode charset and tocode charset. You can spec- ify flag to determine if tolower(3) / toupper(3) conversion is included in the table. The flag has following values. KICONV_LOWER KICONV_FROM_LOWER It generates a tolower table in addition to a character conversion table. The difference between two is tolower tocode or tolower fromcode. KICONV_UPPER KICONV_FROM_UPPER It generates a toupper table in addition to a character conversion table. The difference between two is toupper tocode or toupper fromcode. A tolower/toupper conversion is limited to single-byte characters. The kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs() function defines two conversion tables which are from localcode to foreigncode and from foreigncode to localcode. These conversion tables also contain both tolower and toupper tables. The kiconv_add_xlat16_table() function defines a conversion table directly pointed by data whose length is datalen, not using iconv(3). SEE ALSO
iconv(3), tolower(3), toupper(3) BSD
July 17, 2003 BSD

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KICONV(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						 KICONV(3)

kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair, kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs, kiconv_add_xlat16_table -- kernel side iconv library LIBRARY
Kernel side iconv library (libkiconv, -lkiconv) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/iconv.h> int kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode, int flag); int kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs(const char *foreigncode, const char *localcode); int kiconv_add_xlat16_table(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode, const void *data, int datalen); DESCRIPTION
The kiconv library provides multi-byte character conversion tables for kernel side iconv service. The kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair() function defines a conversion table using iconv(3) between fromcode charset and tocode charset. You can spec- ify flag to determine if tolower(3) / toupper(3) conversion is included in the table. The flag has following values. KICONV_LOWER KICONV_FROM_LOWER It generates a tolower table in addition to a character conversion table. The difference between two is tolower tocode or tolower fromcode. KICONV_UPPER KICONV_FROM_UPPER It generates a toupper table in addition to a character conversion table. The difference between two is toupper tocode or toupper fromcode. A tolower/toupper conversion is limited to single-byte characters. The kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs() function defines two conversion tables which are from localcode to foreigncode and from foreigncode to localcode. These conversion tables also contain both tolower and toupper tables. The kiconv_add_xlat16_table() function defines a conversion table directly pointed by data whose length is datalen, not using iconv(3). SEE ALSO
iconv(3), tolower(3), toupper(3) BSD
July 17, 2003 BSD
Man Page

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