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kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair(3) [freebsd man page]

KICONV(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						 KICONV(3)

kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair, kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs, kiconv_add_xlat16_table -- kernel side iconv library LIBRARY
Kernel side iconv library (libkiconv, -lkiconv) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/iconv.h> int kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode, int flag); int kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs(const char *foreigncode, const char *localcode); int kiconv_add_xlat16_table(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode, const void *data, int datalen); DESCRIPTION
The kiconv library provides multi-byte character conversion tables for kernel side iconv service. The kiconv_add_xlat16_cspair() function defines a conversion table using iconv(3) between fromcode charset and tocode charset. You can spec- ify flag to determine if tolower(3) / toupper(3) conversion is included in the table. The flag has following values. KICONV_LOWER KICONV_FROM_LOWER It generates a tolower table in addition to a character conversion table. The difference between two is tolower tocode or tolower fromcode. KICONV_UPPER KICONV_FROM_UPPER It generates a toupper table in addition to a character conversion table. The difference between two is toupper tocode or toupper fromcode. A tolower/toupper conversion is limited to single-byte characters. The kiconv_add_xlat16_cspairs() function defines two conversion tables which are from localcode to foreigncode and from foreigncode to localcode. These conversion tables also contain both tolower and toupper tables. The kiconv_add_xlat16_table() function defines a conversion table directly pointed by data whose length is datalen, not using iconv(3). SEE ALSO
iconv(3), tolower(3), toupper(3) BSD
July 17, 2003 BSD

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iconv_open(3C)						   Standard C Library Functions 					    iconv_open(3C)

iconv_open - code conversion allocation function SYNOPSIS
#include <iconv.h> iconv_t iconv_open(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode); DESCRIPTION
The iconv_open() function returns a conversion descriptor that describes a conversion from the codeset specified by the string pointed to by the fromcode argument to the codeset specified by the string pointed to by the tocode argument. For state-dependent encodings, the con- version descriptor will be in a codeset-dependent initial shift state, ready for immediate use with the iconv(3C) function. Settings of fromcode and tocode and their permitted combinations are implementation-dependent. The iconv_open() function supports the alias of the encoding name specified in tocode and fromcode. The alias table of the encoding name is described in the file /usr/lib/iconv/alias. See alias(4). A conversion descriptor remains valid in a process until that process closes it. For examples using the iconv_open() function, see iconv(3C). RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion iconv_open() returns a conversion descriptor for use on subsequent calls to iconv(). Otherwise, iconv_open() returns (iconv_t) -1 and sets errno to indicate the error. ERRORS
The iconv_open function may fail if: EMFILE {OPEN_MAX} files descriptors are currently open in the calling process. ENFILE Too many files are currently open in the system. ENOMEM Insufficient storage space is available. EINVAL The conversion specified by fromcode and tocode is not supported by the implementation. FILES
/usr/lib/iconv/alias alias table file of the encoding name ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
exec(2), iconv(3C), iconv_close(3C), malloc(3C), alias(4), attributes(5) NOTES
The iconv_open() function uses malloc(3C) to allocate space for internal buffer areas. iconv_open() may fail if there is insufficient stor- age space to accommodate these buffers. Portable applications must assume that conversion descriptors are not valid after a call to one of the exec functions (see exec(2)). SunOS 5.10 2 Oct 2001 iconv_open(3C)
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