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iconvctl(3) [freebsd man page]

ICONVCTL(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					       ICONVCTL(3)

iconvctl -- controlling and diagnostical facility for iconv(3) LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <iconv.h> int iconvctl(iconv_t cd, int request, void *argument); DESCRIPTION
The iconvctl() function can retrieve or set specific conversion setting from the cd conversion descriptor. The request parameter specifies the operation to accomplish and argument is an operation-specific argument. The possible operations are the following: ICONV_TRIVIALP In this case argument is an int * variable, which is set to 1 if the encoding is trivial one, i.e. the input and output encodings are the same. Otherwise, the variable will be 0. ICONV_GET_TRANSLITERATE Determines if transliteration is enabled. The answer is stored in argument, which is of int *. It will be set to 1 if this feature is enabled or set to 0 otherwise. ICONV_SET_TRANSLITERATE Enables transliteration if argument, which is of int * set to 1 or disables it if argument is set to 0. ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ Determines if illegal sequences are discarded or not. The answer is stored in argument, which is of int *. It will be set to 1 if this feature is enabled or set to 0 otherwise. ICONV_SET_DISCARD_ILSEQ Sets whether illegal sequences are discarded or not. argument, which is of int * set to 1 or disables it if argument is set to 0. ICONV_SET_HOOKS Sets callback functions, which will be called back after successful conversions. The callback functions are stored in a struct iconv_hooks variable, which is passed to iconvctl via argument by its address. ICONV_GET_ILSEQ_INVALID Determines if a character in the input buffer that is valid, but for which an identical character does not exist in the target code- set returns EILSEQ or not. The answer is stored in argument, which is of int *. It will be set to 1 if this feature is enabled or set to 0 otherwise. ICONV_SET_ILSEQ_INVALID Sets whether a character in the input buffer that is valid, but for which an identical character does not exist in the target codeset returns EILSEQ or not. If argument, which is of int * is set to 1 it will be enabled, and if argument is set to 0 it will be dis- abled. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion iconvctl(), returns 0. Otherwise, -1 is returned and errno is set to specify the kind of error. ERRORS
The iconvctl() function may cause an error in the following cases: [EINVAL] Unknown or unimplemented operation. [EBADF] The conversion descriptor specified by cd is invalid. SEE ALSO
iconv(1), iconv(3) STANDARDS
The iconvctl facility is a non-standard extension, which appeared in the GNU implementation and was adopted in FreeBSD 9.0 for compatibil- ity's sake. AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Gabor Kovesdan <>. BUGS
Transliteration is enabled in this implementation by default, so it is impossible by design to turn it off. Accordingly, trying to turn it off will always fail and -1 will be returned. Getting the transliteration state will always succeed and indicate that it is turned on, though. BSD
November 25, 2009 BSD

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ICONV(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  ICONV(3)

iconv_open, iconv_open_into, iconv_close, iconv -- codeset conversion functions LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <iconv.h> iconv_t iconv_open(const char *dstname, const char *srcname); int iconv_open_into(const char *dstname, const char *srcname, iconv_allocation_t *ptr); int iconv_close(iconv_t cd); size_t iconv(iconv_t cd, char ** restrict src, size_t * restrict srcleft, char ** restrict dst, size_t * restrict dstleft); size_t __iconv(iconv_t cd, const char ** restrict src, size_t * restrict srcleft, char ** restrict dst, size_t * restrict dstleft, uint32_t flags, size_t * invalids); DESCRIPTION
The iconv_open() function opens a converter from the codeset srcname to the codeset dstname and returns its descriptor. The arguments srcname and dstname accept "" and "char", which refer to the current locale encoding. The iconv_open_into() creates a conversion descriptor on a preallocated space. The iconv_allocation_t is used as a spaceholder type when allocating such space. The dstname and srcname arguments are the same as in the case of iconv_open(). The ptr argument is a pointer of iconv_allocation_t to the preallocated space. The iconv_close() function closes the specified converter cd. The iconv() function converts the string in the buffer *src of length *srcleft bytes and stores the converted string in the buffer *dst of size *dstleft bytes. After calling iconv(), the values pointed to by src, srcleft, dst, and dstleft are updated as follows: *src Pointer to the byte just after the last character fetched. *srcleft Number of remaining bytes in the source buffer. *dst Pointer to the byte just after the last character stored. *dstleft Number of remainder bytes in the destination buffer. If the string pointed to by *src contains a byte sequence which is not a valid character in the source codeset, the conversion stops just after the last successful conversion. If the output buffer is too small to store the converted character, the conversion also stops in the same way. In these cases, the values pointed to by src, srcleft, dst, and dstleft are updated to the state just after the last successful conversion. If the string pointed to by *src contains a character which is valid under the source codeset but can not be converted to the destination codeset, the character is replaced by an ``invalid character'' which depends on the destination codeset, e.g., '?', and the conversion is continued. iconv() returns the number of such ``invalid conversions''. There are two special cases of iconv(): src == NULL || *src == NULL If the source and/or destination codesets are stateful, iconv() places these into their initial state. If both dst and *dst are non-NULL, iconv() stores the shift sequence for the destination switching to the initial state in the buffer pointed to by *dst. The buffer size is specified by the value pointed to by dstleft as above. iconv() will fail if the buffer is too small to store the shift sequence. On the other hand, dst or *dst may be NULL. In this case, the shift sequence for the destination switching to the initial state is discarded. The __iconv() function works just like iconv() but if iconv() fails, the invalid character count is lost there. This is a not bug rather a limitation of IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (``POSIX.1''), so __iconv() is provided as an alternative but non-standard interface. It also has a flags argument, where currently the following flags can be passed: __ICONV_F_HIDE_INVALID Skip invalid characters, instead of returning with an error. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion of iconv_open(), it returns a conversion descriptor. Otherwise, iconv_open() returns (iconv_t)-1 and sets errno to indicate the error. Upon successful completion of iconv_open_into(), it returns 0. Otherwise, iconv_open_into() returns -1, and sets errno to indicate the error. Upon successful completion of iconv_close(), it returns 0. Otherwise, iconv_close() returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error. Upon successful completion of iconv(), it returns the number of ``invalid'' conversions. Otherwise, iconv() returns (size_t)-1 and sets errno to indicate the error. ERRORS
The iconv_open() function may cause an error in the following cases: [ENOMEM] Memory is exhausted. [EINVAL] There is no converter specified by srcname and dstname. The iconv_open_into() function may cause an error in the following cases: [EINVAL] There is no converter specified by srcname and dstname. The iconv_close() function may cause an error in the following case: [EBADF] The conversion descriptor specified by cd is invalid. The iconv() function may cause an error in the following cases: [EBADF] The conversion descriptor specified by cd is invalid. [EILSEQ] The string pointed to by *src contains a byte sequence which does not describe a valid character of the source codeset. [E2BIG] The output buffer pointed to by *dst is too small to store the result string. [EINVAL] The string pointed to by *src terminates with an incomplete character or shift sequence. SEE ALSO
iconv(1), mkcsmapper(1), mkesdb(1), __iconv_get_list(3), iconv_canonicalize(3), iconvctl(3), iconvlist(3) STANDARDS
The iconv_open(), iconv_close(), and iconv() functions conform to IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (``POSIX.1''). The iconv_open_into() function is a GNU-specific extension and it is not part of any standard, thus its use may break portability. The __iconv() function is an own extension and it is not part of any standard, thus its use may break portability. BSD
August 4, 2014 BSD
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