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hx509(3) [freebsd man page]

hx509 library(3)						Heimdalx509library						  hx509 library(3)

hx509 library - Functions int hx509_context_init (hx509_context *context) void hx509_context_free (hx509_context *context) Detailed Description Function Documentation void hx509_context_free (hx509_context * context) Free the context allocated by hx509_context_init(). Parameters: context context to be freed. int hx509_context_init (hx509_context * context) Creates a hx509 context that most functions in the library uses. The context is only allowed to be used by one thread at each moment. Free the context with hx509_context_free(). Parameters: context Returns a pointer to new hx509 context. Returns: Returns an hx509 error code. Version 1.5.2 11 Jan 2012 hx509 library(3)

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hx509 certificate selecting functions(3)			Heimdalx509library			  hx509 certificate selecting functions(3)

hx509 certificate selecting functions - Functions int hx509_peer_info_alloc (hx509_context context, hx509_peer_info *peer) void hx509_peer_info_free (hx509_peer_info peer) int hx509_peer_info_set_cert (hx509_peer_info peer, hx509_cert cert) int hx509_peer_info_add_cms_alg (hx509_context context, hx509_peer_info peer, const AlgorithmIdentifier *val) int hx509_peer_info_set_cms_algs (hx509_context context, hx509_peer_info peer, const AlgorithmIdentifier *val, size_t len) Detailed Description Function Documentation int hx509_peer_info_add_cms_alg (hx509_context context, hx509_peer_info peer, const AlgorithmIdentifier * val) Add an additional algorithm that the peer supports. Parameters: context A hx509 context. peer the peer to set the new algorithms for val an AlgorithmsIdentier to add Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). int hx509_peer_info_alloc (hx509_context context, hx509_peer_info * peer) Allocate a new peer info structure an init it to default values. Parameters: context A hx509 context. peer return an allocated peer, free with hx509_peer_info_free(). Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). void hx509_peer_info_free (hx509_peer_info peer) Free a peer info structure. Parameters: peer peer info to be freed. int hx509_peer_info_set_cert (hx509_peer_info peer, hx509_cert cert) Set the certificate that remote peer is using. Parameters: peer peer info to update cert cerificate of the remote peer. Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). int hx509_peer_info_set_cms_algs (hx509_context context, hx509_peer_info peer, const AlgorithmIdentifier * val, size_t len) Set the algorithms that the peer supports. Parameters: context A hx509 context. peer the peer to set the new algorithms for val array of supported AlgorithmsIdentiers len length of array val. Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string(). Version 1.5.2 11 Jan 2012 hx509 certificate selecting functions(3)
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