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elf_memory(3) [freebsd man page]

ELF_MEMORY(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     ELF_MEMORY(3)

elf_memory -- process an ELF or ar(1) archive mapped into memory LIBRARY
ELF Access Library (libelf, -lelf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libelf.h> Elf * elf_memory(char *image, size_t size); DESCRIPTION
Function elf_memory() is used to process an ELF file or ar(1) archive whose image is present in memory. Argument image points to the start of the memory image of the file or archive. Argument size contains the size in bytes of the memory image. The ELF descriptor is created for reading (i.e., analogous to the use of elf_begin(3) with a command argument value of ELF_C_READ). RETURN VALUES
Function elf_memory() returns a pointer to a new ELF descriptor if successful, or NULL if an error occurred. The return value may be queried for the file type using elf_kind(3). EXAMPLES
To read parse an elf file, use: int fd; void *p; struct stat sb; Elf *e; ... if ((fd = open("./elf-file", O_RDONLY)) < 0 || fstat(fd, &sb) < 0 || (p = mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, (off_t) 0)) == MAP_FAILED) { ... handle system error ... } if ((e = elf_memory(p, sb.st_size)) == NULL) { ... handle elf(3) error ... } ... use ELF descriptor "e" here ... ERRORS
Function elf_memory() can fail with the following errors: [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] A NULL value was used for argument image or the value of argument sz was zero. [ELF_E_HEADER] The header of the ELF object contained an unsupported value in its e_ident[EI_CLASS] field. [ELF_E_HEADER] The header of the ELF object contained an unsupported value in its e_ident[EI_DATA] field. [ELF_E_RESOURCE] An out of memory condition was detected. [ELF_E_SEQUENCE] Function elf_memory() was called before a working version was set using elf_version(3). [ELF_E_VERSION] The ELF object referenced by argument image was of an unsupported ELF version. SEE ALSO
elf(3), elf_begin(3), elf_end(3), elf_errno(3), elf_kind(3), gelf(3) BSD
June 28, 2006 BSD

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ELF_MEMORY(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     ELF_MEMORY(3)

elf_memory -- process an ELF or ar(1) archive mapped into memory LIBRARY
ELF Access Library (libelf, -lelf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libelf.h> Elf * elf_memory(char *image, size_t size); DESCRIPTION
Function elf_memory() is used to process an ELF file or ar(1) archive whose image is present in memory. Argument image points to the start of the memory image of the file or archive. Argument size contains the size in bytes of the memory image. The ELF descriptor is created for reading (i.e., analogous to the use of elf_begin(3) with a command argument value of ELF_C_READ). RETURN VALUES
Function elf_memory() returns a pointer to a new ELF descriptor if successful, or NULL if an error occurred. The return value may be queried for the file type using elf_kind(3). EXAMPLES
To read parse an elf file, use: int fd; void *p; struct stat sb; Elf *e; ... if ((fd = open("./elf-file", O_RDONLY)) < 0 || fstat(fd, &sb) < 0 || (p = mmap(NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, (off_t) 0)) == MAP_FAILED) { ... handle system error ... } if ((e = elf_memory(p, sb.st_size)) == NULL) { ... handle elf(3) error ... } ... use ELF descriptor "e" here ... ERRORS
Function elf_memory() can fail with the following errors: [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] A NULL value was used for argument image or the value of argument sz was zero. [ELF_E_HEADER] The header of the ELF object contained an unsupported value in its e_ident[EI_CLASS] field. [ELF_E_HEADER] The header of the ELF object contained an unsupported value in its e_ident[EI_DATA] field. [ELF_E_RESOURCE] An out of memory condition was detected. [ELF_E_SEQUENCE] Function elf_memory() was called before a working version was set using elf_version(3). [ELF_E_VERSION] The argument image corresponds to an ELF file with an unsupported version. SEE ALSO
elf(3), elf_begin(3), elf_end(3), elf_errno(3), elf_kind(3), gelf(3) BSD
June 28, 2006 BSD
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