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dwarf_formsdata(3) [freebsd man page]

DWARF_FORMUDATA(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					DWARF_FORMUDATA(3)

dwarf_formudata, dwarf_formsdata -- return the value of a CONSTANT class attribute LIBRARY
DWARF Access Library (libdwarf, -ldwarf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libdwarf.h> int dwarf_formudata(Dwarf_Attribute attr, Dwarf_Unsigned *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_formsdata(Dwarf_Attribute attr, Dwarf_Signed *ret, Dwarf_Error *err); DESCRIPTION
These functions return the value associated with a DWARF attribute describing a constant. Function dwarf_formudata() sets the location pointed to by argument ret to the value of the attribute referenced by argument attr, treating the value as an unsigned quantity. Argument attr must have one of the following forms: DW_FORM_data1, DW_FORM_data2, DW_FORM_data4, DW_FORM_data8 and DW_FORM_udata. Function dwarf_formsdata() sets the location pointed to by argument ret to the value of the attribute referenced by argument attr, appropri- ately sign extended. Argument attr must have one of the following forms: DW_FORM_data1, DW_FORM_data2, DW_FORM_data4, DW_FORM_data8 and DW_FORM_sdata. If argument err is not NULL, it will be used to return an error descriptor in case of an error. RETURN VALUES
These functions return DW_DLV_OK on success. In case of an error, they return DW_DLV_ERROR and set argument err. ERRORS
These functions may fail with the following errors: [DW_DLE_ARGUMENT] Either of arguments attr or ret was NULL. [DW_DLE_ATTR_FORM_BAD] The attribute referenced by argument attr was not of a permitted kind. SEE ALSO
dwarf(3), dwarf_attr(3), dwarf_formblock(3), dwarf_formflag(3), dwarf_formref(3), dwarf_formsig8(3), dwarf_formstring(3), dwarf_hasattr(3) BSD
June 21, 2010 BSD

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DWARF_FORMREF(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					  DWARF_FORMREF(3)

dwarf_formref, dwarf_global_formref -- retrieve offsets for REFERENCE class attributes LIBRARY
DWARF Access Library (libdwarf, -ldwarf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libdwarf.h> int dwarf_formref(Dwarf_Attribute attr, Dwarf_Off *retoffset, Dwarf_Error *err); int dwarf_global_formref(Dwarf_Attribute attr, Dwarf_Off *retoffset, Dwarf_Error *err); DESCRIPTION
These functions return the offsets associated with a DWARF attribute descriptor. Function dwarf_formref() returns the compilation unit relative offset of the descriptor referenced by argument attr in the location pointed to by argument retoffset. Argument attr must be a reference that is local to a compilation unit. Permitted forms for argument attr are DW_FORM_ref1, DW_FORM_ref2, DW_FORM_ref4, DW_FORM_ref8 and DW_FORM_ref_udata. Function dwarf_global_formref() returns the section-relative offset of the descriptor referenced by argument attr in the location pointed to by argument retoffset. Argument attr should be a legal REFERENCE class form. Permitted forms for argument attr are: DW_FORM_ref_addr, DW_FORM_ref_udata, DW_FORM_ref1, DW_FORM_ref2, DW_FORM_ref4, DW_FORM_ref8 and DW_FORM_sec_offset. The returned offset is relative to the start of the ``.debug_info'' ELF section. If argument err is not NULL, it will be used to return an error descriptor in case of an error. RETURN VALUES
These functions return DW_DLV_OK on success. In case of an error, these functions return DW_DLV_ERROR and sets argument err. ERRORS
These functions may fail with the following errors: [DW_DLE_ARGUMENT] Either of arguments attr or retoffset was NULL. [DW_DLE_ATTR_FORM_BAD] The attribute referenced by argument attr was not of a permitted kind. SEE ALSO
dwarf(3), dwarf_attr(3), dwarf_formblock(3), dwarf_formflag(3), dwarf_formsdata(3), dwarf_formsig8(3), dwarf_formstring(3), dwarf_formudata(3), dwarf_hasattr(3) BSD
June 21, 2010 BSD
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