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sysarch(2) [freebsd man page]

SYSARCH(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual							SYSARCH(2)

sysarch -- architecture-dependent system call LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <machine/sysarch.h> int sysarch(int number, void *args); DESCRIPTION
The sysarch() system call performs the architecture-dependent function specified by number with the arguments specified by the args pointer. The args argument is a pointer to a structure defining the actual arguments of the function. Symbolic constants and argument structures for the architecture-dependent functions can be found in the header file <machine/sysarch.h>. The sysarch() system call should never be called directly by user programs. Instead, they should access its functions using the architec- ture-dependent library. RETURN VALUES
See the manual pages for specific architecture-dependent system calls for information about their return values. SEE ALSO
i386_get_ioperm(2), i386_get_ldt(2), i386_vm86(2) HISTORY
This manual page was taken from NetBSD. BSD
October 11, 1993 BSD

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I386_GET_IOPERM(2)					      BSD System Calls Manual						I386_GET_IOPERM(2)

i386_get_ioperm, i386_set_ioperm -- manage per-process access to the i386 I/O port space LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <machine/sysarch.h> int i386_get_ioperm(unsigned int start, unsigned int *length, int *enable); int i386_set_ioperm(unsigned int start, unsigned int length, int enable); DESCRIPTION
The i386_get_ioperm() system call will return the permission for the process' I/O port space in the *enable argument. The port range starts at start and the number of contiguous entries will be returned in *length. The i386_set_ioperm() system call will set access to a range of I/O ports described by the start and length arguments to the state specified by the enable argument. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The i386_get_ioperm() and i386_set_ioperm() system calls will fail if: [EINVAL] An invalid range was specified by the start or length arguments. [EPERM] The caller of i386_set_ioperm was not the superuser. SEE ALSO
This man page was written by Jonathan Lemon. BSD
July 27, 1998 BSD
Man Page