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modunload(1m) [freebsd man page]

modunload(1M)						  System Administration Commands					     modunload(1M)

modunload - unload a module SYNOPSIS
modunload -i module_id [-e exec_file] DESCRIPTION
modunload unloads a loadable module from the running system. The module_id is the ID of the module as shown by modinfo(1M). If ID is 0, all modules that were autoloaded which are unloadable, are unloaded. Modules loaded by modload(1M) are not affected. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -e exec_file Specify the name of a shell script or executable image file to be executed before the module is unloaded. The first argu- ment passed is the module id (in decimal). There are two additional arguments that are module specific. For loadable driv- ers, the second argument is the driver major number. For loadable system calls, the second argument is the system call num- ber. For loadable exec classes, the second argument is the index into the execsw table. For loadable filesystems, the sec- ond argument is the index into the vfssw table. For loadable streams modules, the second argument is the index into the fmodsw table. For loadable scheduling classes, the second argument is the index into the class array. Minus one is passed for an argument that does not apply. -i module_id Specify the module to be unloaded. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
modinfo(1M), modload(1M), update_drv(1M), attributes(5) NOTES
The modunload command has often been used on driver modules to force the system to reread the associated driver configuration file. While this works in Solaris 9, this behavior might break in future releases. The supported way for rereading driver configuration file is through the update_drv(1M) command. SunOS 5.10 19 Nov 2001 modunload(1M)

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modunload(1M)                                             System Administration Commands                                             modunload(1M)

modunload - unload a module SYNOPSIS
modunload -i module_id [-e exec_file] DESCRIPTION
modunload unloads a loadable module from the running system. The module_id is the ID of the module as shown by modinfo(1M). If ID is 0, all modules that were autoloaded which are unloadable, are unloaded. Modules loaded by modload(1M) are not affected. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -e exec_file Specify the name of a shell script or executable image file to be executed before the module is unloaded. The first argu- ment passed is the module id (in decimal). There are two additional arguments that are module specific. For loadable driv- ers, the second argument is the driver major number. For loadable system calls, the second argument is the system call num- ber. For loadable exec classes, the second argument is the index into the execsw table. For loadable filesystems, the sec- ond argument is the index into the vfssw table. For loadable streams modules, the second argument is the index into the fmodsw table. For loadable scheduling classes, the second argument is the index into the class array. Minus one is passed for an argument that does not apply. -i module_id Specify the module to be unloaded. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
modinfo(1M), modload(1M), update_drv(1M), attributes(5) NOTES
The modunload command has often been used on driver modules to force the system to reread the associated driver configuration file. While this works in Solaris 9, this behavior might break in future releases. The supported way for rereading driver configuration file is through the update_drv(1M) command. SunOS 5.10 19 Nov 2001 modunload(1M)
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