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autopush(1m) [freebsd man page]

autopush(1M)						  System Administration Commands					      autopush(1M)

autopush - configures lists of automatically pushed STREAMS modules SYNOPSIS
autopush -f filename autopush -g -M major -m minor autopush -r -M major -m minor DESCRIPTION
The autopush command configures the list of modules to be automatically pushed onto the stream when a device is opened. It can also be used to remove a previous setting or get information on a setting. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -f filename Sets up the autopush configuration for each driver according to the information stored in filename. An autopush file con- sists of lines of four or more fields, separated by spaces as shown below: major minor last-minor module1 module2 ... module8 The first field is a string that specifies the major device name, as listed in the /kernel/drv directory. The next two fields are integers that specify the minor device number and last-minor device number. The fields following represent the names of modules. If minor is -1, then all minor devices of a major driver specified by major are configured, and the value for last-minor is ignored. If last-minor is 0, then only a single minor device is configured. To configure a range of minor devices for a particular major, minor must be less than last-minor. The remaining fields list the names of modules to be automatically pushed onto the stream when opened, along with the posi- tion of an optional anchor. The maximum number of modules that can be pushed is eight. The modules are pushed in the order they are specified. The optional special character sequence [anchor] indicates that a STREAMS anchor should be placed on the stream at the module previously specified in the list; it is an error to specify more than one anchor or to have an anchor first in the list. A nonzero exit status indicates that one or more of the lines in the specified file failed to complete successfully. -g Gets the current configuration setting of a particular major and minor device number specified with the -M and -m options respectively and displays the autopush modules associated with it. It will also return the starting minor device number if the request corresponds to a setting of a range (as described with the -f option). -m minor Specifies the minor device number. -M major Specifies the major device number. -r Removes the previous configuration setting of the particular major and minor device number specified with the -M and -m options respectively. If the values of major and minor correspond to a previously established setting of a range of minor devices, where minor matches the first minor device number in the range, the configuration would be removed for the entire range. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. non-zero An error occurred. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Using the autopush command. The following example gets the current configuration settings for the major and minor device numbers as indicated and displays the autopush modules associated with them for the character-special device /dev/term/a: example# autopush -g -M 29 -m 0 Major Minor Lastminor Modules 29 0 1 ldterm ttcompat FILES
/etc/iu.ap ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
bdconfig(1M), ttymon(1M), attributes(5), ldterm(7M), sad(7D), streamio(7I), ttcompat(7M) STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.10 26 Mar 1999 autopush(1M)
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