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xzmore(1) [freebsd man page]

XZMORE(1)                                                            XZ Utils                                                            XZMORE(1)

xzmore, lzmore - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files SYNOPSIS
xzmore [file...] lzmore [file...] DESCRIPTION
xzmore is a filter which allows examination of xz(1) or lzma(1) compressed text files one screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal. To use a pager other than the default more, set environment variable PAGER to the name of the desired program. The name lzmore is provided for backward compatibility with LZMA Utils. e or q When the prompt --More--(Next file: file) is printed, this command causes xzmore to exit. s When the prompt --More--(Next file: file) is printed, this command causes xzmore to skip the next file and continue. For list of keyboard commands supported while actually viewing the content of a file, refer to manual of the pager you use, usually more(1). SEE ALSO
more(1), xz(1), xzless(1), zmore(1) Tukaani 2013-06-30 XZMORE(1)

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XZMORE(1)                                                            XZ Utils                                                            XZMORE(1)

xzmore, lzmore - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files SYNOPSIS
xzmore [file...] lzmore [file...] DESCRIPTION
xzmore is a filter which allows examination of xz(1) or lzma(1) compressed text files one screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal. To use a pager other than the default more, set environment variable PAGER to the name of the desired program. The name lzmore is provided for backward compatibility with LZMA Utils. e or q When the prompt --More--(Next file: file) is printed, this command causes xzmore to exit. s When the prompt --More--(Next file: file) is printed, this command causes xzmore to skip the next file and continue. For list of keyboard commands supported while actually viewing the content of a file, refer to manual of the pager you use, usually more(1). SEE ALSO
more(1), xz(1), xzless(1), zmore(1) Tukaani 2013-06-30 XZMORE(1)
Man Page

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