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xzless(1) [freebsd man page]

XZLESS(1)                                                            XZ Utils                                                            XZLESS(1)

xzless, lzless - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files SYNOPSIS
xzless [file...] lzless [file...] DESCRIPTION
xzless is a filter that displays text from compressed files to a terminal. It works on files compressed with xz(1) or lzma(1). If no files are given, xzless reads from standard input. xzless uses less(1) to present its output. Unlike xzmore, its choice of pager cannot be altered by setting an environment variable. Com- mands are based on both more(1) and vi(1) and allow back and forth movement and searching. See the less(1) manual for more information. The command named lzless is provided for backward compatibility with LZMA Utils. ENVIRONMENT
LESSMETACHARS A list of characters special to the shell. Set by xzless unless it is already set in the environment. LESSOPEN Set to a command line to invoke the xz(1) decompressor for preprocessing the input files to less(1). SEE ALSO
less(1), xz(1), xzmore(1), zless(1) Tukaani 2010-09-27 XZLESS(1)

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XZLESS(1)                                                            XZ Utils                                                            XZLESS(1)

xzless, lzless - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files SYNOPSIS
xzless [file...] lzless [file...] DESCRIPTION
xzless is a filter that displays text from compressed files to a terminal. It works on files compressed with xz(1) or lzma(1). If no files are given, xzless reads from standard input. xzless uses less(1) to present its output. Unlike xzmore, its choice of pager cannot be altered by setting an environment variable. Com- mands are based on both more(1) and vi(1) and allow back and forth movement and searching. See the less(1) manual for more information. The command named lzless is provided for backward compatibility with LZMA Utils. ENVIRONMENT
LESSMETACHARS A list of characters special to the shell. Set by xzless unless it is already set in the environment. LESSOPEN Set to a command line to invoke the xz(1) decompressor for preprocessing the input files to less(1). SEE ALSO
less(1), xz(1), xzmore(1), zless(1) Tukaani 2010-09-27 XZLESS(1)
Man Page

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