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stdbuf(1) [freebsd man page]

STDBUF(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 STDBUF(1)

stdbuf -- change standard streams initial buffering SYNOPSIS
stdbuf [-e bufdef] [-i bufdef] [-o bufdef] [command [...]] DESCRIPTION
stdbuf is used to change the initial buffering of standard input, standard output and/or standard error streams for command. It relies on libstdbuf(3) which is loaded and configured by stdbuf through environment variables. The options are as follows: -e bufdef Set initial buffering of the standard error stream for command as defined by bufdef (see BUFFER DEFINITION). -i bufdef Set initial buffering of the standard input stream for command as defined by bufdef (see BUFFER DEFINITION). -o bufdef Set initial buffering of the standard output stream for command as defined by bufdef (see BUFFER DEFINITION). BUFFER DEFINITION
Buffer definition is the same as in libstdbuf(3): "0" unbuffered "L" line buffered "B" fully buffered with the default buffer size size fully buffered with a buffer of size bytes (suffixes 'k', 'M' and 'G' are accepted) EXAMPLES
In the following example, the stdout stream of the awk(1) command will be fully buffered by default because it does not refer to a terminal. stdbuf is used to force it to be line-buffered so vmstat(8)'s output will not stall until the full buffer fills. # vmstat 1 | stdbuf -o L awk '$2 > 1 || $3 > 1' | cat -n SEE ALSO
libstdbuf(3), setvbuf(3) HISTORY
The stdbuf utility first appeared in FreeBSD 8.4. AUTHORS
The original idea of the stdbuf command comes from Padraig Brady who implemented it in the GNU coreutils. Jeremie Le Hen implemented it on FreeBSD. BSD
April 28, 2012 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

LIBSTDBUF(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					      LIBSTDBUF(3)

libstdbuf -- preloaded library to change standard streams initial buffering DESCRIPTION
The libstdbuf library is meant to be preloaded with the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to as to change the initial buffering of standard input, standard output and standard error streams. Although you may load and configure this library manually, an utility, stdbuf(1), can be used to run a command with the appropriate environ- ment variables. ENVIRONMENT
Each stream can be configured independently through the following environment variables (values are defined below): _STDBUF_I Initial buffering definition for the standard input stream _STDBUF_O Initial buffering definition for the standard output stream _STDBUF_E Initial buffering definition for the standard error stream Each variable may take one of the following values: "0" unbuffered "L" line buffered "B" fully buffered with the default buffer size size fully buffered with a buffer of size bytes (suffixes 'k', 'M' and 'G' are accepted) EXAMPLE
In the following example, the stdout stream of the awk(1) command will be fully buffered by default because it does not refer to a terminal. libstdbuf is used to force it to be line-buffered so vmstat(8)'s output will not stall until the full buffer fills. # vmstat 1 | LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ STDBUF_1=L awk '$2 > 1 || $3 > 1' | cat -n See also the manpage of stdbuf(1) for a simpler way to do this. HISTORY
The libstdbuf library first appeared in FreeBSD 8.4. AUTHORS
The original idea of the libstdbuf command comes from Padraig Brady who implemented it in the GNU coreutils. Jeremie Le Hen implemented it on FreeBSD. BSD
April 28, 2012 BSD
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