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ssh-copy-id(1) [freebsd man page]

SSH-COPY-ID(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					    SSH-COPY-ID(1)

ssh-copy-id -- copy public keys to a remote host SYNOPSIS
ssh-copy-id [-lv] [-i keyfile] [-o option] [-p port] [user@]hostname DESCRIPTION
The ssh-copy-id utility copies public keys to a remote host's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (creating the file and directory, if required). The following options are available: -i file Copy the public key contained in file. This option can be specified multiple times and can be combined with the -l option. If a private key is specified and a public key is found then the public key will be used. -l Copy the keys currently held by ssh-agent(1). This is the default if the -i option was not specified. -o ssh-option Pass this option directly to ssh(1). This option can be specified multiple times. -p port Connect to the specified port on the remote host instead of the default. -v Pass -v to ssh(1). The remaining arguments are a list of remote hosts to connect to, each one optionally qualified by a user name. EXIT STATUS
The ssh-copy-id utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. EXAMPLES
To send a specific key to multiple hosts: $ ssh-copy-id -i /path/to/ user@host1 user@host2 user@host3 HISTORY
The ssh-copy-id utility was written by Eitan Adler <> as a drop-in replacement for an existing utility included with OpenSSH. BSD
February 28, 2014 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

SSH-COPY-ID(1)						      General Commands Manual						    SSH-COPY-ID(1)

ssh-copy-id - install your public key in a remote machine's authorized_keys SYNOPSIS
ssh-copy-id [-i [identity_file]] [user@]machine DESCRIPTION
ssh-copy-id is a script that uses ssh to log into a remote machine (presumably using a login password, so password authentication should be enabled, unless you've done some clever use of multiple identities) It also changes the permissions of the remote user's home, ~/.ssh, and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to remove group writability (which would oth- erwise prevent you from logging in, if the remote sshd has StrictModes set in its configuration). If the -i option is given then the identity file (defaults to ~/.ssh/ is used, regardless of whether there are any keys in your ssh-agent. Otherwise, if this: ssh-add -L provides any output, it uses that in preference to the identity file. If the -i option is used, or the ssh-add produced no output, then it uses the contents of the identity file. Once it has one or more fin- gerprints (by whatever means) it uses ssh to append them to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote machine (creating the file, and directory, if necessary) SEE ALSO
ssh(1), ssh-agent(1), sshd(8) OpenSSH 14 November 1999 SSH-COPY-ID(1)
Man Page

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