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rcsfreeze(1) [freebsd man page]

RCSFREEZE(1)						      General Commands Manual						      RCSFREEZE(1)

rcsfreeze - freeze a configuration of sources checked in under RCS SYNOPSIS
rcsfreeze [name] DESCRIPTION
rcsfreeze assigns a symbolic revision number to a set of RCS files that form a valid configuration. The idea is to run rcsfreeze each time a new version is checked in. A unique symbolic name (C_number, where number is increased each time rcsfreeze is run) is then assigned to the most recent revision of each RCS file of the main trunk. An optional name argument to rcsfreeze gives a symbolic name to the configuration. The unique identifier is still generated and is listed in the log file but it will not appear as part of the symbolic revision name in the actual RCS files. A log message is requested from the user for future reference. The shell script works only on all RCS files at one time. All changed files must be checked in already. Run rcsclean(1) first and see whether any sources remain in the current directory. FILES
RCS/.rcsfreeze.ver version number RCS/.rcsfreeze.log log messages, most recent first AUTHOR
Stephan v. Bechtolsheim SEE ALSO
co(1), rcs(1), rcsclean(1), rlog(1) BUGS
rcsfreeze does not check whether any sources are checked out and modified. Although both source file names and RCS file names are accepted, they are not paired as usual with RCS commands. Error checking is rudimentary. rcsfreeze is just an optional example shell script, and should not be taken too seriously. See CVS for a more complete solution. GNU
23:37:10Z RCSFREEZE(1)

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rcsclean(1)															       rcsclean(1)

rcsclean - clean up working files SYNOPSIS
rcsclean [options] [file...] OPTIONS
Use subst style keyword substitution when retrieving the revision for comparison. See co(1) for details. Do not actually remove any files or unlock any revisions. Using this option will tell you what rcsclean would do without actually doing it. Do not log the actions taken on standard output. This option has no effect other than specifying the revision for comparison. Unlock the revision if it is locked and no difference is found. Emulate RCS version n. See co(1) for details. Use suffixes to characterize RCS files. See ci(1) for details. DESCRIPTION
rcsclean removes working files that were checked out and never modified. For each file given, rcsclean compares the working file and a revision in the corresponding RCS file. If it finds a difference, it does nothing. Otherwise, it first unlocks the revision if the -u option is given, and then removes the working file unless the working file is writable and the revision is locked. It logs its actions by outputting the corresponding rcs -u and rm -f commands on the standard output. If no file is given, all working files in the current directory are cleaned. Pathnames matching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all others denote working files. Names are paired as explained in ci(1). The number of the revision to which the working file is compared may be attached to any of the options -n, -q, -r, or -u. If no revision number is specified, then if the -u option is given and the caller has one revision locked, rcsclean uses that revision; otherwise rcsclean uses the latest revision on the default branch, normally the root. rcsclean is useful for clean targets in Makefiles. See also rcsdiff(1), which prints out the differences, and ci(1), which normally asks whether to check in a file if it was not changed. RESTRICTIONS
At least one file must be given in older Unix versions that do not provide the needed directory scanning operations. EXAMPLES
rcsclean *.c *.h removes all working files ending in or that were not changed since their checkout. rcsclean removes all working files in the current directory that were not changed since their checkout. ENVIRONMENT
options prepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. A backslash escapes spaces within an option. The RCSINIT options are prepended to the argument lists of most RCS commands. Useful RCSINIT options include -q, -V, and -x. DIAGNOSTICS
The exit status is zero if and only if all operations were successful. Missing working files and RCS files are silently ignored. FILES
rcsclean accesses files much as ci(1) does. IDENTIFICATION
Author: Walter F. Tichy. Revision Number:; Release Date: 1993/10/07. Copyright (C) 1982, 1988, 1989 by Walter F. Tichy. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Paul Eggert. SEE ALSO
ci(1), co(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(5) Walter F. Tichy, RCS--A System for Version Control, Software--Practice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), 637-654. rcsclean(1)
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