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psfaddtable(1) [freebsd man page]

PSFADDTABLE(1)						      General Commands Manual						    PSFADDTABLE(1)

psfaddtable - add a Unicode character table to a console font SYNOPSIS
psfaddtable fontfile tablefile outfile DESCRIPTION
psfaddtable takes a console font in .psf format given by fontfile and merges it with the Unicode character table given by tablefile to pro- duce a font file with an embedded character table, which is written to outfile. An input file name of "-" denotes standard input, and an output file name of "-" denotes standard output. If the fontfile already contains an embedded character table, it is ignored. TABLE FILE FORMAT
Each line in the tablefile should be either blank, contain a comment (preceded by #), or contain a sequence of numbers in either decimal (default), octal (preceded by 0), or hexadecimal (preceded by 0x) format, separated by spaces or tabs. The first number on each line indi- cates the glyph slot in the font that is being referred to, this is between 0 and 0xff for a 256-character font and 0 and 0x1ff for a 512-character font. Any subsequent numbers on the same line are Unicodes matched by this specific glyph slot. Instead of a single Unicode one may have a sequence of Unicodes separates by commas, to denote that the glyph depicts the corresponding composed symbol. It is permis- sible to have multiple lines for the same glyph. SEE ALSO
setfont(8), psfgettable(1), psfstriptable(1), psfxtable(1) 25 Oct 1994 PSFADDTABLE(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

PSFADDTABLE(1)						      General Commands Manual						    PSFADDTABLE(1)

psfaddtable - add a Unicode character table to a console font SYNOPSIS
psfaddtable fontfile tablefile outfile DESCRIPTION
psfaddtable takes a console font in .psf format given by fontfile and merges it with the Unicode character table given by tablefile to pro- duce a font file with an embedded character table, which is written to outfile. An input file name of "-" denotes standard input, and an output file name of "-" denotes standard output. If the fontfile already contains an embedded character table, it is ignored. TABLE FILE FORMAT
Each line in the tablefile should be either blank, contain a comment (preceded by #), or contain a sequence of numbers in either decimal (default), octal (preceded by 0), or hexadecimal (preceded by 0x) format, separated by spaces or tabs. The first number on each line indi- cates the glyph slot in the font that is being referred to, this is between 0 and 0xff for a 256-character font and 0 and 0x1ff for a 512-character font. Any subsequent numbers on the same line are Unicodes matched by this specific glyph slot. Instead of a single Unicode one may have a sequence of Unicodes separates by commas, to denote that the glyph depicts the corresponding composed symbol. It is permis- sible to have multiple lines for the same glyph. SEE ALSO
setfont(8), psfgettable(1), psfstriptable(1), psfxtable(1) 25 Oct 1994 PSFADDTABLE(1)
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