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pnmsplit(1) [freebsd man page]

pnmsplit(1)                                                   General Commands Manual                                                  pnmsplit(1)

pnmsplit - split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-image files SYNOPSIS
pnmsplit [pnmfile[ output_file_pattern]] DESCRIPTION
Reads a Netpbm file as input. Copies each image in the input into a separate file, in the same format. pnmfile is the file specification of the input file, or - to indicate Standard Input. The default is Standard Input. output_file_pattern tells how to name the output files. It is the file specification of the output file, except that the first occurence of "%d" in it is replaced by the image sequence number in unpadded ASCII decimal, with the sequence starting at 0. If there is no "%d" in the pattern, pnmsplit fails. The default output file pattern is "image%d". Note that to do the reverse operation (combining multiple single-image PNM files into a multi-image one), there is no special Netpbm pro- gram. Just use cat. SEE ALSO
pnm(5), cat(1) AUTHOR
Written by Bryan Henderson 19 June 2000 pnmsplit(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

pnmsplit(1)                                                   General Commands Manual                                                  pnmsplit(1)

pnmsplit - split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-image files SYNOPSIS
pnmsplit [pnmfile[ output_file_pattern]] DESCRIPTION
Reads a Netpbm file as input. Copies each image in the input into a separate file, in the same format. pnmfile is the file specification of the input file, or - to indicate Standard Input. The default is Standard Input. output_file_pattern tells how to name the output files. It is the file specification of the output file, except that the first occurence of "%d" in it is replaced by the image sequence number in unpadded ASCII decimal, with the sequence starting at 0. If there is no "%d" in the pattern, pnmsplit fails. The default output file pattern is "image%d". Note that to do the reverse operation (combining multiple single-image PNM files into a multi-image one), there is no special Netpbm pro- gram. Just use cat. SEE ALSO
pnm(5), cat(1) AUTHOR
Written by Bryan Henderson 19 June 2000 pnmsplit(1)
Man Page

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