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mpd(1) [freebsd man page]

Music Player Daemon(1)                                        General Commands Manual                                       Music Player Daemon(1)

MPD - A daemon for playing music SYNOPSIS
MPD is a daemon for playing music. Music is played through the configured audio output(s) (which are generally local, but can be remote). The daemon stores info about all available music, and this info can be easily searched and retrieved. Player control, info retrieval, and playlist management can all be managed remotely. MPD searches for a config file in ~/.mpdconf then /etc/mpd.conf or uses CONF_FILE. Read more about MPD at <>. OPTIONS
--help Output a brief help message. --kill Kill the currently running mpd session. The pid_file parameter must be specified in the config file for this to work. --no-daemon Don't detach from console. --stderr Print messages stderr. --verbose Verbose logging. --version Print version information. FILES
~/.mpdconf User configuration file. /etc/mpd.conf Global configuration file. SEE ALSO
mpd.conf(5), mpc(1) BUGS
If you find a bug, please report it at <>. AUTHORS
Warren Dukes <> Special thanks to all the people that provided feedback and patches. Music Player Daemon(1)

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SONATA(1)						      General Commands Manual							 SONATA(1)

sonata - GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon SYNOPSIS
Sonata is an elegant GTK+ music client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). OPTIONS
-h, --help Show this help and exit -p, --popup Popup song notification (requires D-Bus) -t, --toggle Toggles whether the app is minimized to tray or visible (requires D-Bus) -v, --version Show version information and exit --hidden Start app hidden (requires systray) --visible Start app visible (requires systray) --profile=[NUM] Start with profile [NUM] play Play song in playlist pause Pause currently playing song stop Stop currently playing song next Play next song in playlist prev Play previous song in playlist pp Toggle play/pause; plays if stopped repeat Toggle repeat mode random Toggle random mode info Display current song info status Display MPD status SEE ALSO
Website: MPD Website: AUTHOR
Sonata was written by Scott Horowitz <>. This manual page is currently maintained by Scott Horowitz <>. It was originally written by Michal Cihar <>. October 20, 2006 SONATA(1)
Man Page

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