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lp(1) [freebsd man page]

LP(1)							    BSD General Commands Manual 						     LP(1)

lp -- front-end to the print spooler SYNOPSIS
lp [-cs] [-o option] [-d printer] [-n num] [name ...] DESCRIPTION
The lp utility is a front-end to the print spooler as required by the IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') specification. It effectively invokes lpr(1) with the proper set of arguments. It generally prints the named files on the destination printer. The following options are available: -c Make the lp command exit only after further access to any of the input files is no longer required. The application can then safely delete or modify the files without affecting the output operation. -d dest Specify a particular printer. If no -d is provided on the command line, the contents of the environment variables LPDEST or PRINTER (with this precedence) are taken as the destination printer. -m Send mail upon completion. -n num Specify that num copies of each of the named files shall be printed. -o option Printer specific options. Not supported, provided only as a compatibility option for SVR. -s Silent operation. Not supported, provided only as a compatibility option for Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv2''). -t title Set the job title to title. ENVIRONMENT
As described above, the variables LPDEST and PRINTER are examined to select the destination printer. SEE ALSO
The lp command is expected to comply with the IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') specification. AUTHORS
This implementation of the lp command has been written by Jorg Wunsch. BUGS
The IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') specification does not provide any means to print non-text files. It rather requires the files to be printed to be text files limited to reasonable line lengths and printable characters. BSD
January 22, 1995 BSD

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lpr(1)								    Apple Inc.								    lpr(1)

lpr - print files SYNOPSIS
lpr [ -E ] [ -H server[:port] ] [ -U username ] [ -P destination[/instance] ] [ -# num-copies [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -m ] [ -o option[=value] ] [ -p] [ -q ] [ -r ] [ -C/J/T title ] [ file(s) ] DESCRIPTION
lpr submits files for printing. Files named on the command line are sent to the named printer (or the default destination if no destination is specified). If no files are listed on the command-line, lpr reads the print file from the standard input. THE DEFAULT DESTINATION
CUPS provides many ways to set the default destination. The "LPDEST" and "PRINTER" environment variables are consulted first. If neither are set, the current default set using the lpoptions(1) command is used, followed by the default set using the lpadmin(8) command. OPTIONS
The following options are recognized by lpr: -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server. -H server[:port] Specifies an alternate server. -C "name" -J "name" -T "name" Sets the job name. -P destination[/instance] Prints files to the named printer. -U username Specifies an alternate username. -# copies Sets the number of copies to print from 1 to 100. -h Disables banner printing. This option is equivalent to "-o job-sheets=none". -l Specifies that the print file is already formatted for the destination and should be sent without filtering. This option is equivalent to "-o raw". -m Send an email on job completion. -o option[=value] Sets a job option. -p Specifies that the print file should be formatted with a shaded header with the date, time, job name, and page number. This option is equivalent to "-o prettyprint" and is only useful when printing text files. -q Hold job for printing. -r Specifies that the named print files should be deleted after printing them. COMPATIBILITY
The "c", "d", "f", "g", "i", "n", "t", "v", and "w" options are not supported by CUPS and produce a warning message if used. SEE ALSO
cancel(1), lp(1), lpadmin(8), lpoptions(1), lpq(1), lprm(1), lpstat(1), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc. 29 August 2008 CUPS lpr(1)
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