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gnome-session(1) [freebsd man page]

gnome-session(1)						   User Commands						  gnome-session(1)

gnome-session - starts up the GNOME desktop environment SYNOPSIS
gnome-session [--choosesession] [--failsafe] [--purge-delay=delay] [--warn-delay=delay] [--suicide-delay=delay] [session-name] [gnome-std- options] DESCRIPTION
The gnome-session program starts up the GNOME desktop environment. This command is typically executed by your login manager (either gdm, xdm, or from your X startup scripts). It will either load your last session, or provide a default session for the user as defined by the system administrator (or the default GNOME installation on your system). You can optionally specify a specific session name to restore. gnome-session is an X11R6 session manager. It can manage GNOME applications as well as any X11R6 SM compliant sessions. If the user has previously saved a session, the session is loaded from the ~.gnome2/session file. Otherwise, the session is loaded from the /usr/share/gnome/default.session file. Any programs specified in the ~/.gnome2/session/.session-manual will also be started. gnome-session also exports an X Atom called GNOME_SM_DESKTOP on the root window, to indicate that gnome-session has started. Some applica- tions may require such information to proceed correctly. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: --choosesession User can specify a session to load, as opposed to the session specified in the ~/.gnome/session-options file. If that entry does not exist in the ~/.gnome/session file (or if that file does not exist), gnome-session will use the default ses- sion, and all saves to that session will be to the new session name. --failsafe Fail-safe operations mode: gnome-session only reads saved sessions from the default.session file. --purge-delay=deThe number of milliseconds that gnome-session will wait for clients to register. If delay is 0, gnome-session will wait forever. The default value is 30,000 milliseconds. --suicide-delay=Theanumber of milliseconds that gnome-session will wait for clients to die. If delay is 0, gnome-session will wait forever. The default value is 10,000 milliseconds. --warn-delay=delThe number of milliseconds that gnome-session will wait for clients to respond. If delay is 0, gnome-session will wait for- ever. The default value is 10,000 milliseconds. gnome-std-optionStandard options available for use with most GNOME applications. See gnome-std-options(5) for more information. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: session-name The name of the session to be loaded. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Starting a session named "MySession" example% gnome-session --choose-session=MySession Example 2: Starting the system default session, ignoring the user's session example% gnome-session --failsafe Example 3: Setting the purge delay to 50000ms example% gnome-session --purge-delay=50000 Example 4: Setting the suicide delay to 50000ms example% gnome-session --suicide-delay=50000 Example 5: Setting the warning delay to 50000ms example% gnome-session --warn-delay=50000 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
gnome-session accepts all of the standard environment variables used by GNOME programs, as well as the SESSION_MANAGER environment vari- able. gnome-session also sets several environment variables for the use of its child processes. See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables: SESSION_MANAGER Used by session-manager-aware clients to contact gnome-session. DISPLAY Set to the X display being used by gnome-session. Note that the --display option, if specified, overrides the set- ting of the DISPLAY environment variable. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Application exited successfully >0 Application exited with failure FILES
The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/gnome-session The command-line executable for the application. /usr/share/gnome/defaultDefaultnsystem session file. ~/.gnome2/session User session file. ~/.gnome2/session/.sessiSpecifies programs to start that do not support session management. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWgnome-session | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |External | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
gnome-std-options(5), default.session(5), gnome-smproxy(1), gnome-session-save(1) NOTES
Written by Brian Cameron, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2003. SunOS 5.10 13 Jan 2003 gnome-session(1)
Man Page