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dh_auto_clean(1) [freebsd man page]

DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)						     Debhelper							  DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)

dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build SYNOPSIS
dh_auto_clean [buildsystemoptions] [debhelperoptions] [--params] DESCRIPTION
dh_auto_clean is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile and it contains a distclean, realclean, or clean target, then this is done by running make (or MAKE, if the environment variable is set). If there is a or Build.PL, it is run to clean the package. This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using dh_auto_clean at all, and just run make clean manually. OPTIONS
See "BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS" in debhelper(7) for a list of common build system selection and control options. -- params Pass params to the program that is run, after the parameters that dh_auto_clean usually passes. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)

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DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)						     Debhelper							  DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)

dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build SYNOPSIS
dh_auto_clean [buildsystemoptions] [debhelperoptions] [--params] DESCRIPTION
dh_auto_clean is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile and it contains a distclean, realclean, or clean target, then this is done by running make (or MAKE, if the environment variable is set). If there is a or Build.PL, it is run to clean the package. This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using dh_auto_clean at all, and just run make clean manually. OPTIONS
See "BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS" in debhelper(7) for a list of common build system selection and control options. -- params Pass params to the program that is run, after the parameters that dh_auto_clean usually passes. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_AUTO_CLEAN(1)
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